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Jewish vigilantes jailed over Paris attack on Gaza fundraising event

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 19.03.16, 13:34  Betreff: Jewish vigilantes jailed over Paris attack on Gaza fundraising event  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Six Jewish vigilantes were jailed in Paris on Friday over a "savage gang attack" targeting attendees at a fundraising event for Gaza in 2009.

The defendants used iron bars, baseball bats and bike chains in the onslaught, in which they deliberately targeted anybody who looked like a Muslim.

Among their victims was a 22-year-old singer who suffered a "lynching" by the 20-strong mob who chanted ‘Death to Arabs’ and ‘Long live Israel!’

All were leading members of the Jewish Defence League (JDL), a notorious vigilante group that is outlawed in both America and Israel because of its links with terrorism.

Despite this, the JDL is allowed to demonstrate openly in France, and its yellow and black clenched fist flags are regularly seen at events across the country.

A court in the French capital heard how all six had beaten up Hatem Essabbak and Mustapha Belkhir outside a Paris theatre in April 2009.

The case is considered one of the most sensitive in recent legal history, because of the way it illustrates how the Israel-Palestine conflict has been exported to the streets of major French cities.

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