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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 13.03.17, 11:32 Betreff: Protest im Zentrum der Macht
Nach einem Jahr beharrlichen Widerstands gegen die »Dakota Access Pipeline« (DAPL) im US-Bundesstaat North Dakota zogen am Freitag Tausende Angehörige indigener Stämme und Aktivisten eines breiten Bündnisses in einer machtvollen Demonstration durch die Haupststadt Washington. Angeführt von den Standing-Rock-Sioux, deren Reservat direkt vom Bau der Erdölleitung betroffen ist, forderten sie mit ihrem mehrere Kilometer durch die Stadt führenden Marsch die Einhaltung der Rechte der Ureinwohner und den endgültigen Stopp des Projekts. https://www.jungewelt.de/artikel/307018.protest-im-zentrum-der-macht.html
Native Americans picket White House in #NoDAPL protest (VIDEO) https://www.rt.com/usa/380206-trump-dakota-access-protest/
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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 08.02.17, 11:03 Betreff: Trump Administration Orders Clearing of Protesters at Standing Rock
Earlier this week, acting secretary of the Army, Robert Speer ordered the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to complete construction on the Dakota Access Pipeline. This directive came after President Donald Trump signed an executive order on January 24 that would advance construction on both the Dakota Access and Keystone XL Pipelines. Of course, this order from Trump was a reversal on the stay signed by former President Obama towards the end of his term. http://www.teenvogue.com/story/trump-administration-orders-clearing-protesters-standing-rock
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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 29.01.17, 11:41 Betreff: Thousands Take to the Streets Across the Country to Oppose the Dakota Access and Keystone Pipelines
Thousands Take to the Streets Across the Country to Oppose the Dakota Access and Keystone Pipelines
On Tuesday, January 24th thousands of demonstrators took to the streets across the United States to protest President Donald Trump's signing of a series of Executive Memorandums, seeking to resume and advance the construction of the previously suspended Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipeline projects.
In Washington, D.C., demonstrators gathered at sunset before the White House, in the shadow of the security gates and crowd stands at the Presidential Inauguration that took place just days earlier. http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=18205
Quebec coroner blames aboriginal suicides on Canada's "ancient apartheid system"
The five suicides that occurred within a nine-month period in 2015 in a small indigenous community in northern Quebec were avoidable and fundamentally the result of Canada’s “ancient apartheid system,” a Quebec coroner wrote in a searing report released Saturday. http://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/aboriginal-suicides-fundamentally-the-results-of-canadas-ancient-apartheid-system-coroner
Leonard Peltier: Hoffnung versiegt
Obama verwehrt Peltier endgültig Begnadigung. Kongress wegen Lager Guantanamo kritisiert. In den letzten Stunden seiner Amtszeit hat US-Präsident Barack Obama nochmals Entscheidungen über Gnadenakte und Freilassungen von Gefangenen getroffen. Auch dieses Mal nicht auf der Liste der Begnadigten ist der indigene politische Gefangene Leonard Peltier. http://baskinfo.blogspot.de/2017/01/leonard-peltier-hoffnung-versiegt.html
Standing Rock Sioux to Trump: ‘Creating a Second Flint Does Not Make America Great Again’
No longer just tweeting, President Donald J. Trump has been issuing a stream of executive orders and memoranda since his inauguration. On Tuesday, his pronouncements involved the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines. Both projects were denied or delayed by the Obama administration, each after massive public protests. Now, with the Trump administration’s actions, buttressed by a servile Congress under Republican control, fossil-fuel megaprojects are getting the green light.
But it will take more than the stroke of Trump’s pen to quash the vigorous resistance to these two pipelines, or the growing global demand for urgent action to combat climate change.
The Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) is the 1,100-mile long, $3.8 billion pipeline that would carry fracked oil from the Bakken oil fields in North Dakota, through South Dakota and Iowa to Illinois, where it would connect with another pipeline to carry the crude to the Gulf of Mexico. https://www.democracynow.org/2017/1/26/standing_rock_sioux_to_trump_creating
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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 20.01.17, 11:08 Betreff: Standing Rock and the 'Deep North'
Standing Rock Indian Reservation, United States - Early last month, more than 2,000 veterans gathered at the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota in a show of solidarity with protesters camped there, who opposed the proposed Dakota Access pipeline. The veterans were drawn by pictures and video of fire hoses, police dogs, and rubber bullets being used against protesters.
For many people following the story, these images evoked ones from the civil rights movement in the 1960s; but for some activists and Native residents of the Dakotas, this comparison is all too real. http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2017/01/nodapl-standing-rock-deep-north-170109063857178.html
Canada's Indigenous call for national suicide strategy
Two girls committed suicide in Ontario after Ottawa turned down local request for funding to stop youth 'suicide pact'. http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/01/canada-indigenous-call-national-suicide-strategy-170119183341534.html
Leonard Peltier Officially Denied Clemency by Obama
The U.S. Office of the Pardon Attorney announced Wednesday night that President Barack Obama has denied clemency to imprisoned Native American activist Leonard Peltier, who has been in prison for more than 40 years on charges that have been proven false. http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/httpwww.telesurtv.netenglishnewsLeonard-Peltier-Officially-Denied-Clemency-by-Obama-20170118-0070.html-20170118-0079.html
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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 13.12.16, 13:01 Betreff: Leonard Peltier: Letzte Chance Begnadigung
Leonard Peltier befindet sich seit über 40 Jahren in den USA in Haft. Es bestehen Zweifel daran, dass sein Gerichtsverfahren den internationalen Standards für faire Verfahren entsprochen hat. Präsident Obama hat die Möglichkeit, ihn zu begnadigen. Leonard Peltier war ein führendes Mitglied des American Indian Movement (AIM), einer Initiative, die sich für die Rechte der nordamerikanischen indigenen Bevölkerung einsetzt. Im Jahr 1975 kam es zu Zusammenstößen zwischen dem FBI und Mitgliedern des AIM. Dabei wurden zwei FBI-Agenten erschossen. Leonard Peltier wurde des Mordes für schuldig befunden, hat jegliche Schuld an der Tat jedoch stets von sich gewiesen. http://baskinfo.blogspot.de/2016/12/leonard-peltier-letzte-chance.html
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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 08.12.16, 22:26 Betreff: North Dakota Pipeline Protesters Vow to Stay Despite Victory
Protesters celebrated a major victory in their push to reroute the Dakota Access oil pipeline away from a tribal water source but pledged to remain camped on federal land in North Dakota anyway, despite Monday’s government deadline to leave.
Hundreds of people at the Oceti Sakowin, or Seven Council Fires, encampment cheered and chanted “mni wichoni” — “water is life” in Lakota Sioux — after the Army Corps of Engineers refused Sunday to grant the company permission to extend the pipeline beneath a Missouri River reservoir. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article45982.htm
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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 05.12.16, 13:09 Betreff: Victory for Standing Rock: DAPL Easement Not Granted
The Dakota Access Corporation was not granted the easement needed for construction under Lake Oahe; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers moves to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for alternative routes http://earthjustice.org/news/press/2016/victory-for-standing-rock-dapl-easement-not-granted
Standing Rock Calling - morgen beginnt Räumung
Morgen, am Montag 5.12.2016 soll eines der Hauptprotstcamps gegen die Dakota Access Pipeline in den USA geräumt werden. Tausende indigener "Protectors of human rights, indigenous rights and water" sind vor Ort und auf dem Weg. Erste europäische Kreditgeber für die Pipeline haben ihre Kreditzusage revidiert (Norwegen). Was ist mit der Deutschen Bank, die ebenfalls von der DaPL durch Zerstörung indigener Gebiete und Umweltzerstörung profitieren will? https://linksunten.indymedia.org/de/node/198424
Trump stands with Big Oil, backs the Dakota Access pipeline
President-elect Donald Trump’s energy and environmental priorities can be summed up as staunchly pro-fossil fuels. He doubled down on these positions Thursday, explicitly backing the Dakota Access pipeline, a $3.6-billion project that he has personal financial ties to. The controversial project has been the target of protests for months in North Dakota, where Native American tribes have been at the forefront of the effort to stop the pipeline’s construction under the Missouri River. https://thinkprogress.org/trump-backs-dapl-450c414e6e7f#.qmqpmxa9g
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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
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palestina libera
Beiträge: 1665
Erstellt: 10.11.16, 23:40 Betreff: Standing Rock and Imperialism Itself
The Dakota Access Pipeline was originally scheduled to cross the state of North Dakota north of Bismarck, the state capital (pop. 70,000). But then the route was shifted 40 miles south, to the south, to pass by the Standing Rock Sioux reservation (pop. 8200). This is sovereign territory of the Sioux, whose reservation straddles North and South Dakota and whose members include Hunkpapa Lakota and Yaktonai Dakota.
The Sioux are a nation of about 170,000 people, divided linguistically into the Lakotas, Dakotas and Nakotas concentrated in what are now North and South Dakota. We know that there were some in what is now either Wisconsin or Minnesota in 1660 because French traders met them and recorded the encounter. They may have advanced into the Dakotas only after that. http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/11/08/standing-rock-and-imperialism-itself/
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