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Yemen in Flammen

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 28.08.16, 13:19  Betreff: The Death Toll in Yemen Is So High the Red Cross Has Started Donating Morgues to Hospitals  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Almost a year and a half into Saudi Arabia’s U.S.-backed bombing campaign in Yemen, the humanitarian toll has become so extensive that the International Committee of the Red Cross has taken the unusual step of donating entire morgue units to Yemeni hospitals.

“The hospitals were not able to cope,” said Rima Kamal, a Yemen-based spokesperson for the Red Cross. “You could have more than 20 dead people brought into one hospital on one single day. The morgue capacity at a regular hospital is not equipped to handle this influx of dead bodies.”

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 08.07.16, 21:13  Betreff: The story of a girl married at 11 tracks the horrors of Yemen’s war  drucken  weiterempfehlen

KHAMER, Yemen — Inside a ramshackle tent, seven days after she was married, Fayrouz Ahmed Haider softly recounted how she ran away from her 25-year-old husband when he tried to force her to have sex.

“It would have been better if my marriage had been delayed,” she said.

Fayrouz is 11.

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 22.06.16, 21:33  Betreff: Taiz descends into turf wars as rebels clash over power and money  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Popular Resistance factions, originally raised to battle the Houthis, now squabble for control of Yemen province's resources and economy

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 09.06.16, 22:34  Betreff: UN: Shameful pandering to Saudi Arabia over children killed in Yemen conflict  drucken  weiterempfehlen

The credibility of the United Nations is on the line after it shamefully caved in to pressure to remove the Saudi Arabia-led military coalition from the UN’s list of states and armed groups that violate children’s rights in conflict, Amnesty International said today.

Last night a spokesperson for UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon announced the change to the list published on 2 June as part of an annual report by his Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict. The move was a direct result of diplomatic pressure from Saudi Arabia, angry at the UN’s conclusion that coalition operations had led to the death and suffering of children in the armed conflict in Yemen.

“It is unprecedented for the UN to bow to pressure to alter its own published report on children in armed conflict. It is unconscionable that this pressure was brought to bear by one of the very states listed in the report,” said Richard Bennett, Representative and Head of Amnesty International’s UN Office.

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 23.05.16, 22:54  Betreff: Amnesty Finds Illegal UK-Made Cluster Bombs In Yemeni Village  drucken  weiterempfehlen

This has lead to calls for the UK to come clean on its weapon sales and military support to Saudi Arabia.

In a statement on Monday, the UK-based rights group said that unexploded cluster bombs have turned northern Yemen into “minefields” for civilians.

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 25.03.16, 11:56  Betreff: Jemen: Es droht eine akute Hungerkrise  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Seit einem Jahr bombardiert nun Saudi-Arabien mit einer von der autoritären Monarchie geführten Allianz sunnitischer Staaten und der Unterstützung der USA, Großbritannien und Frankreichs Ziele im Jemen, eines der ärmsten Länder der Welt. Im Gegensatz zu Syrien ist Kritik aus dem Westen an dem Krieg aber kaum zu vernehmen: Syrien und Jemen: Die Schwarz-Weiß-Logik des Kalten Kriegs. Die Saudis bekämpfen dort die aufständischen schiitischen Huthi-Rebellen und ihre Verbündeten, darunter Teile des Militärs, die dem 2012 zurückgetretenen Präsidenten Ali Abdullah Salih weiter loyal sind, und anderen Stämmen. Unterstützt wird der jemenitische Präsident Abed Rabbo Mansur Hadi, der letztes Jahr aus dem Land nach Saudi-Arabien geflohen war.

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 23.02.16, 22:35  Betreff: Saudi war for Yemen oil pipeline is empowering al-Qaeda, IS  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Secret cable and Dutch government official confirm that Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen is partly motivated by an ambitious US-backed pipeline fantasy

Nearly 3,000 civilians have been slaughtered and a million displaced in Saudi Arabia’s noble aerial bombardment of Yemen, which is backed by the United States and Britain.

Over 14 million Yemenis face food insecurity – a jump of 12 percent since June 2015. Out of these, three million children are malnourished. And across the country, an estimated 20 million people cannot safely access clean water.

The Saudi air force has systematically bombed Yemen’s civilian infrastructure in flagrant violation of international humanitarian law. An official UN report to the Security Council leaked last month found that the Saudis have “conducted airstrikes targeting civilians and civilian objects … including camps for internally displaced persons and refugees; civilian gatherings, including weddings; civilian vehicles, including buses; civilian residential areas; medical facilities; schools; mosques; markets, factories and food storage warehouses; and other essential civilian infrastructure, such as the airport in Sanaa, the port in Hudaida and domestic transit routes.”

US-made cluster bombs have been dropped on residential areas – an act that even the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon tepidly concedes “may amount to a war crime”.

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 15.02.16, 19:52  Betreff: As health system collapses, disease kills more Yemenis  drucken  weiterempfehlen

In Al-Gumhouri Teaching Hospital in Sanaa, a security guard in a hallway has covered his mouth and nose with a face mask and refuses to shake hands with patrons asking his permission to visit patients in the hospital. The guard told one of the visitors, “Sorry, we are taking precautions because of the virus.”

Why Yemen may not be heading for a split

Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi won over two prominent secessionist leaders by giving them positions of power in the current government. In doing so, he redirected rebel interests to align with his fight against the Houthis and his predecessor, Ali Abdullah Saleh.

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 11.02.16, 23:24  Betreff: ‘Blackwater Mercenaries’ Are Fighting For Saudi Arabia In Yemen  drucken  weiterempfehlen

A spokesman for the Yemeni army told Russian media that hundreds of mercenaries are fighting in his country on behalf of Saudi Arabia and its allies.

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 22.12.15, 11:18  Betreff: John Pilger on Wars of the Future and Past  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Award winning Journalist and film maker, John Pilger talks about media silence on Yemen, media attacks on Corbyn and the importance of the Spanish election. Plus what to expect from the Chilcot report.

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