Thirty-one percent of U.S. Republicans favor a new nuclear deal with Iran, creating a challenge for their party's lawmakers who largely oppose the framework accord sealed between Tehran and world powers, a Reuters/Ipsos poll showed on Wednesday.
Another 30 percent of Republicans oppose the pact, while 40 percent are not sure, according to the poll, which revealed a sharp split in the party as its leaders ramp up opposition to the deal championed by President Barack Obama, a Democrat.
Erstellt: 22.04.15, 09:47 Betreff: In the Middle East, Bet on a Winner (Iran!)druckenweiterempfehlen
Think of it as the American half-century in the Middle East: from August 17, 1953, when a CIA oil coup brought down democratically elected Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh and installed the Shah as Washington’s man in Tehran, to May 1, 2003, when George W. Bush landed on the USS Abraham Lincoln off the coast of southern California. (The planes from that aircraft carrier had only recently dropped 1.6 million pounds of ordnance on Iraq.) There, standing under a White House-produced banner that read “Mission Accomplished,” the president dramatically announced that “major combat operations in Iraq have ended” and hailed “the arrival of a new era.”
Today, we know that those combat operations had barely begun. Almost 12 years later, with the Obama administration pursuing a bombing campaign in Iraq and Syria against the Islamic State, they have yet to end. On only one thing was President Bush right: with the invasion of Iraq, a new era had indeed been launched. His top officials and their neoconservative allies imagined the moment as the coronation of a new order in the Middle East, the guarantee of another American half-century or more of domination. Iraq, that crucial state in the oil heartlands of the planet, was to be garrisoned for decades (on the “Korea model”); the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad was to be brought to heel; and above all, fundamentalist Iran was to be crushed. That country’s rulers were to find themselves in an ever-tightening geopolitical vise, with American Iraq on one side and American Afghanistan on the other. (A quip of the moment caught the mood of Washington and its high-flown hopes perfectly: “Everyone wants to go to Baghdad. Real men want to go to Tehran.”) The Bush administration would ensure that the great blemish on the American half-century in the region, the reversal of the CIA’s coup by Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979 and the humiliation of having American diplomats taken hostage for 444 days in Tehran -- would be wiped away. The regime of the Ayatollahs was soon to be history.
When the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) declared war on the nuclear accord between Iran and world powers signed last week in Vienna, it put its money where its mouth is. AIPAC, Washington’s most influential pro-Israel lobby reportedly plans on spending $20 million over the next two months urging Congress to vote against the deal. But its efforts at a full frontal attack on the accord, inked by the P5+1 (the US, China, France, Russia, the UK, and Germany) and Iran is leading to some politically awkward alliances.
Erstellt: 27.07.15, 15:05 Betreff: Poll: American Jews Support Iran Nuclear Dealdruckenweiterempfehlen
The L.A. Jewish Journal commissioned Jewish communal pollster Steven Cohen to poll American Jews on their attitude toward the Iran nuclear deal. The results are startling because they expose a huge divide between the positions of the Israel Lobby and Jewish leadership and the rest of the community. While the Lobby is preparing to spend $50-million or more in an all-out blitz to derail the deal before Congress, American Jews generally support it. Cohen finds that 49% of Jewish respondents support the deal and 31% oppose it. When asked whether Congress should support it, 53% said Yes, 35% No.
Erstellt: 06.08.15, 23:22 Betreff: Netanjahu bereitet seinen Krieg gegen Obama vordruckenweiterempfehlen
Netanjahu ist der Ansicht, dass seine aktuelle Schlacht gegen Obama, ungeachtet ihrer unmittelbaren Folge, die zukünftigen US-amerikanischen Präsidenten - Demokraten und Republikaner - dazu führen wird, Konfrontationen mit Israel zu befürchten.
Israel verwandelt den Freudentag des Iran-Abkommens in einen Trauertag
Ein intelligentes, nicht gehirngewaschenes und verängstigtes Israel würde sich diese Woche freuen. Der Tag, an dem das Abkommen mit dem Iran geschlossen wurde, sollte ein Freudentag sein, an dem der Verhinderung des nächsten Krieges, des schlimmsten von allen, zugejubelt werden sollte. Wenn ein Land von sich behauptet, seine Existenz sei auf dem Spiel, worüber sollte es sich dann mehr freuen, als über die Möglichkeit der Verhinderung eines Krieges? Aber es stellt sich heraus, dass in Israel allein die Chance, einen Krieg zu verhindern, eine Katastrophe, ja ein weiterer Holocaust, ist. Eine Apokalypse wurde verhindert bzw. mindestens um ein Jahrzehnt verzögert. Und was macht Israel? Es erklärt den Notstand. Hilfe, es gibt keinen Angriff auf den Iran! Unsre klugen Pläne sind dazu verdammt, im Papierkorb zu landen.
Israel will nur Flugzeuge sehen, die in der Dämmerung abheben und massiv bombardieren, wie es seit Jahren der Fall ist. Benjamin Netanjahu und seine Medien lechzen geradezu danach. Am besten wenn es US-amerikanische Bomber sind, aber die israelischen tun es auch.
A liberal Zionist, two-state solution NGO announced that it had secured the endorsement (full statement) of 36 ex-security chiefs from the IDF, Mossad and Shin Bet for the Iran nuclear deal. In truth, the endorsement was not fulsome. There wasn’t even an explicit, “we support the Iran nuclear deal” statement. Essentially they took the position that it’s a done deal, so why not take advantage of it to get other things Israel needs?
Blue White Future, the NGO, appears to be a typical liberal Zionist group which focuses solely on Israel’s interests and ignores the interests of Israel’s frontline neighbors with whom it will eventually need to make peace. Though I have little in common with its agenda, there’s no doubt that a document such as this is very important and useful.
Erstellt: 09.08.15, 12:12 Betreff: ‘NYT’ runs front page press release for AIPAC warning Obama to cool his jetsdruckenweiterempfehlen
This is a shocker. The New York Times has thrown in completely with the biggest Israel lobby group, AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, in its battle with President Obama. The Times‘s front page story titled “Fears of Lasting Rift as Obama Battles Pro-Israel Group on Iran” is a public relations release for AIPAC, written by Julie Hirschfeld Davis.
Erstellt: 25.08.15, 14:23 Betreff: The Iran Agreement and Israel’s Claim to Speak for the Jewsdruckenweiterempfehlen
On 13 August 2015 the New York Times (NYT) carried a front page article entitled “Donors Descend on Schumer and Others in Debate on Iran.” The article opened a window on the activities of big money donors in the Congress of the United States.
Take for instance the case of Senator Charles Schumer, the senior senator from New York. According to the NYT story, Schumer had been consulting with John Shapiro, a wealthy financier and “longtime benefactor” of the senator and other Democratic politicians. Shapiro is also the head of the American Jewish Committee (AJC), an organization that claims 100,000 members and that, since 2009, has described itself as “a center for Jewish and Israel global advocacy,” thereby misleadingly tying these two interests – Jewish advocacy and Israeli advocacy – together. Shapiro’s position with AJC also means that, when it comes to Middle East foreign policy, there is no real difference between his position and that of the Israeli government. This identification is reflected in the AJC’s “unity pledge” concerning the Zionist state.
Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz blocked consideration of a resolution at the party’s summer meeting that would have praised President Obama and backed the his nuclear deal with Iran, The Washington Post reported Saturday, citing unnamed sources.