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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 18.02.17, 11:36     Betreff: Trump’s Ties to the Past and the Resurrection of the Left

President Trump is deeply embedded in the politics of the deep state structure of American imperialism. Contrary to occasional references to non-intervention in overseas wars, Trump has followed in the footsteps of his predecessors.

While neoconservatives and liberals have raised a hue and cry about Trump’s ties to Russia, his ‘heresies’ over NATO and his overtures to peace in the Middle East, in practice, he has discarded his market humanitarian’ imperialism and engaged in the same bellicose policies of his Democratic Party presidential rival, Hillary Clinton.

Because he lacks the slick ‘demagogy’ of former-President Obama, and does not slather his actions with cheap appeals to ‘identity’ politics, Trump’s crude, abrasive pronouncements drive young demonstrators into the streets in mass actions. These demonstrations are not-so-discretely supported by Trump’s major opponents among the Wall Street bankers, speculators and mass media moguls. In other words, President Trump is an icon-embracer and follower, not a ‘revolutionary’ or even ‘change agent’.

Raid reports fake news, Obama grabbed 350% more

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is pushing back hard on media reports that President Trump has unleashed a mean-spirited national raid on immigrants, noting that it rounded up over 350 percent more during one sweep under former President Obama.

Trump wouldn’t be first president to mobilize National Guard for immigration enforcement

In 2006, former President George W. Bush called up 6,000 National Guard troops to California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.Obama said he would deploy 1,200 National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border.

More Americans Killed By Police In January Than Any One Month Since 2015

Donald J. Trump’s first month in office ended with at least 105 people killed by police, the highest number of people killed by U.S. police in any one month since 2015.

The statistics were compiled by, which has been tracking U.S. police killings since May 2013.

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