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Garland Shooting: Gladio - Texas-Style

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 12.06.15, 23:10  Betreff: Major Questions Remain Unanswered in Boston Killing of Alleged ISIS Beheading Plotter  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Last week in the Boston area, a 26-year-old black Muslim man was shot and killed by agents of the FBI and Boston Police Department (BPD). As we documented the following day, major media outlets immediately, breathlessly and uncritically repeated law enforcement claims (often anonymous ones) about what happened: that the dead man, Usaamah Rahim, was on the verge of executing an “ISIS-inspired” or “ISIS-linked” plot to behead random police officers, in a conspiracy with at least two others. When Rahim was walking to work near a CVS drugstore at roughly 7:00 a.m., the officers approached Rahim simply to question him about this plot; in response, he pulled out a “machete” or “military-style knife” that he refused to drop, forcing the officers to shoot him dead.

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 07.05.15, 14:35  Betreff: Garland Shooting: Gladio - Texas-Style  drucken  Thema drucken  weiterempfehlen

ABC News confirms that one of the suspects of the Garland Texas shooting incident, featuring professional war propagandists of the so-called "American Freedom Defense Intitiative" (AFDI), has been under FBI surveillance and investigation since at least as early as 2007.

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