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No new posts Re: Medienberichterstattung über die Corona-Krise scharf kritisiert PHOTO-2020-05-09-20-02-51.jpg 281 kByte 11.05.20, 13:36 142
No new posts Ramallah protesters clash with police over security coordination Basil al-Araj.jpg 41 kByte 12.03.17, 16:45 222
No new posts all Tierläuse are bastards CUP-investigar-Mossos-All-perroflautas_991112064_120441533_667x375.jpg 28 kByte 06.02.17, 14:45 153
No new posts Ein Schützendasein Bogen_Matthes 001-min (1) (461x640).jpg 189 kByte 30.01.17, 17:38 383
No new posts Massendemo in Bilbo Amnistia.jpg 85 kByte 18.01.17, 14:40 268
No new posts Massendemo in Bilbo Amnistia.jpg 85 kByte 18.01.17, 14:34 254
No new posts 2016 'deadliest year' for West Bank children in decade children_cover.png 638 kByte 11.01.17, 15:48 551
No new posts Victory for Standing Rock: DAPL Easement Not Granted 198425.jpg 87 kByte 05.12.16, 13:09 221
No new posts Leonard Cohen, wennn Frieden ohne Gerechtkeit nur leer Wörten sind.... Leonard Cohen sings to Israeli troops during the 1973 Yom Kippur War, with former Israeli general and prime minister Ariel Sharon to his left.png 480 kByte 12.11.16, 13:43 174
No new posts Gun-toting British anti-Muslim activist poses on Israeli tank Gun-toting British anti-Muslim activist poses on Israeli tank.jpg 199 kByte 11.11.16, 23:01 353
No new posts Polizei-Provokation Momorrotos gegen guardia civil Bosse Geister .jpeg 89 kByte 01.11.16, 13:27 406
No new posts Friedensnobelpreis für den Verantwortung von "Falsos Positivos" Santos.png 291 kByte 08.10.16, 19:34 98
No new posts U.S. Senators Urge Obama to Veto Any 'One-sided' UN Resolution on Israel-Palestinian Conflict Bildschirmfoto.png 76 kByte 22.09.16, 12:17 123
No new posts Palestinians back Standing Rock Sioux in “struggle for all humanity” leilaabdelrazaqindigenousprint_0.jpg 190 kByte 13.09.16, 19:07 244
No new posts guardia civil reprimiert demo für die gefangenen pnv-dispersion-620x295.jpg 54 kByte 04.09.16, 11:56 207
No new posts Ein Bild zeigt mehr als 1000 Wörten..... Turkish protesters on tank AFP.jpg 371 kByte 16.07.16, 15:32 186
No new posts Re: Ukraine Parlamentsredner-Rausschmiß :-D "Rücktritt" von Yatsenjuk ..köstlich;-) 182 kByte 11.04.16, 08:30 295
No new posts Ukraine Parlamentsredner-Rausschmiß :-D "Rücktritt" von Yatsenjuk ..köstlich;-) Ukraine11Apri2016MinPräsJazenjukZurüchgetreten2.jpg 203 kByte 11.04.16, 08:15 373
No new posts Demonstrantinnen unterbrechen Erdogan in Ecuador People demonstrate against the visit of Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Ecuador in Quito on Feb. 4.jpg 88 kByte 13.02.16, 17:03 266
No new posts Ja, Israel richtet Palästinenser ohne Gerichtsurteil hin When Israel turns houses into jails.jpg 150 kByte 08.02.16, 20:21 549
No new posts 7 ways the Palestinian Authority helps Israeli occupation vp-pa-storyboard-20160122-05.jpg 130 kByte 02.02.16, 12:43 238
No new posts Noam Chomsky On The War Against ISIL chomsky.jpg 19 kByte 23.01.16, 23:01 151
No new posts Prozessbeginn gegen den Freiburger Soziologen Tomas Elgorriaga Kunze Presoak kalera ,Amnistia osoa !.jpg 48 kByte 19.01.16, 20:15 216
No new posts Why Palestinian housewives are taking lead in boycott campaigns Hebron.jpg 77 kByte 14.01.16, 19:10 553
No new posts Massenprotest für Gefangene presoak.jpg 59 kByte 10.01.16, 11:38 167
No new posts British MP: Israel Fabricated Knife Attack Stories Palestinians stand in front of an Israeli military jeep during a protest against the occupation in the West Bank city of Bethlehem on 18 December.jpg 136 kByte 09.01.16, 17:01 546
No new posts PA security forces suppress peaceful Palestinian march in Ramallah PA security forces suppress peaceful Palestinian march in Ramallah.jpg 101 kByte 01.01.16, 22:18 405
No new posts 2400 Palestinians arrested since October 358886C.jpg 64 kByte 22.12.15, 12:24 529
No new posts Hares Boys sentenced to 15 years Palestinians throw stones at Israeli occupation forces in Shuafat in early .jpg 200 kByte 15.12.15, 15:29 574
No new posts Teacher attacked in Paris suburb 'invented' story Josetxo Ezcurra.jpeg 29 kByte 14.12.15, 19:41 346
No new posts Nightmares in Jalazone: Families deal with trauma following Israeli torture Protesters hold posters of Khalida Jarrar, the jailed Palestinian lawmaker, while calling for her release outside Ofer military prison near the West Bank city of Ramallah in May.jpg 136 kByte 10.12.15, 14:22 552
No new posts 13 Palestinians shot in clashes after house demolition in Shufat camp Over 1000 israeli troops raid jerusalem refugee camp demolish home.jpg 67 kByte 03.12.15, 14:51 636
No new posts Israeli participants in Horizon 2020 Kerry endorses Israeli violence against Palestinians.png 440 kByte 27.11.15, 21:51 254
No new posts Call from Palestine: Stop the execution of our children! Call from Palestine: Stop the execution of our children!.jpg 93 kByte 27.11.15, 21:37 651
No new posts 450 Colombian Mercenaries Sent by UAE to Fight Houthis in Yemen Caught between the Saudi-led war machine and Saleh-Houthi aggression, the Yemeni people feel abandoned by the world.jpg 200 kByte 27.11.15, 14:59 98
No new posts Settler runs over, shoots and kills 16-year-old Palestinian in Nablus gal_12253.jpg 57 kByte 23.11.15, 14:33 566
No new posts Racist attacks against British Muslims soar in aftermath of Paris attacks Den bearbeitet Bild.jpg 57 kByte 23.11.15, 13:24 391
No new posts Racist attacks against British Muslims soar in aftermath of Paris attacks Der wahre Bild.jpg 52 kByte 23.11.15, 13:24 406
No new posts “Remember the Stranger, for You Yourselves Were Strangers” The statistic refers to a Harvard Crimson poll of the Harvard student body.jpeg 82 kByte 18.11.15, 17:16 199
No new posts Does the Israeli Army Plant Knives on Palestinians? Israeli forces detain 6-year-old Palestinian boy in Bethlehem.jpg 81 kByte 18.11.15, 17:01 546
No new posts Does the Israeli Army Plant Knives on Palestinians? Israeli forces detain 6-year-old Palestinian boy in Bethlehem.jpg 81 kByte 18.11.15, 16:57 548
No new posts Israeli forces detain father and child from Jerusalem village Shot for flying a flag in Gaza.jpg 93 kByte 16.11.15, 23:15 611
No new posts Israeli forces kill Palestinian woman, 72, after alleged car attack Israeli agents disguised as Palestinians draw their guns after they infiltrated the group of youth. They jumped on one protester, beating and arresting him.jpg 310 kByte 07.11.15, 14:13 504
No new posts Israeli army injures Palestinians after settlers attack Nablus village Palestinian student from Birzeit University, her face covered with traditional chequered keffiyeh.jpg 281 kByte 04.11.15, 23:10 459
No new posts Palestinian children aged 7, 8 detained by Israeli forces in Jerusalem Palestinian assaulted after refusing body search in Jerusalem.jpg 22 kByte 03.11.15, 23:30 449
No new posts Over 2,600 shot with live, rubber bullets in October InfographOctober.jpg 82 kByte 01.11.15, 22:02 540
No new posts Doku : Cartel Land Cartel Land.png 197 kByte 30.10.15, 23:35 171
No new posts Idle No More The Vision.jpg 64 kByte 29.10.15, 00:00 208
No new posts Idle No More Bildschirmfoto.png 458 kByte 29.10.15, 00:00 301
No new posts Israel hat Licence to kill Teacher films israeli raid west bank primary school.png 317 kByte 28.10.15, 13:30 612
No new posts   Zur Souveränität Deutschlands Souveränität3.pdf 619 kByte 27.10.15, 17:14 394
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