dream-o-meter 95km/h ....was in etwa knapp echten 90 entspricht ...deutlich schneller als deiner .
The Seadoo 4-tec platform was introduced in model year 2002 and the GTX model was the first ever 4-stroke PWC released by Seadoo. The craft featured a newly designed Rotax power plant that consisted of 3 cylinders and 1503cc. The power output for this new Seadoo 4-tec watercraft was rated by Seadoo at 155 horsepower (HP). We would later find out that the same base power plant is capable of much more, both direct from the original equipment manufacturer (OEM - i.e. manufacturing & assembly factory) and further through the aftermarket PWC parts and performance scene. From this original 4-tec platform has evolved many other well-engineered designs, combinations, improvements, and successions in both the Seadoo watercraft line and the aftermarket parts and accessories market for these Seadoo personal watercraft. The original 4-tec GTX from 2002 was capable of speeds in the low to mid 50 miles per hour (MPH) range. The 155 HP was leaps and bounds ahead of any Seadoo predecessor and held an advantage over the competition as well, including the 4-stroke Yamaha personal watercraft. It featured new, more modern looking body shapes that would later become what we expect from Seadoo watercraft today.