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Power Jetter

Beiträge: 18

New PostErstellt: 14.06.16, 15:37     Betreff: Re: GRAPHICS for Kawasaki SXR 800 - custom

NEW GRAPHICS for Kawasaki SXR 800.

Printed on bubble free vinyl foil /for easier aplication/ and then laminated /extra protection of foil and colors against sun, water and small scratches/ 
Graphics with outline for better instalation.

Custom design, logos etc possible on request. 
If you have any idea for design just send a request.
Prices around 150€ /inc. graphics/ + shipping 
Shipping to Europe, UK and other destination possible.

DSC_1708.JPG (278 kByte, 640 x 360 Pixel)

DSC_1706.JPG (237 kByte, 640 x 360 Pixel)

DSC_1705.JPG (279 kByte, 640 x 360 Pixel)

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