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GRAPHICS for Kawasaki SXR 800 - custom

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Power Jetter

Beiträge: 18

New PostErstellt: 08.01.16, 15:11  Betreff: GRAPHICS for Kawasaki SXR 800 - custom  drucken  Thema drucken  weiterempfehlen

I can do any custom graphics for your  KAWI SXR 800. 
Including racing decals, numbers, registration numbers etc. Whole racing style graphics like IPD or simmilar.
If you are interested send me email with what you want, what you like, your sponsors etc. I can send you graphics design - if you like it I will print it and send to you. Very good prices for whole graphics kit and everything else.
Email for interests -


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Power Jetter

Beiträge: 18

New PostErstellt: 29.01.16, 20:27  Betreff: Re: GRAPHICS for Kawasaki SXR 800 - custom  drucken  weiterempfehlen

I would like to thank a Chris 92 PERFORMANCE. The first custom design goes to him. Orange is fluorescent orange neon... Great design for great jetski.
... and one for the shirt logo was created too ...

Made from the heart, in the heart of Europe...


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Power Jetter

Beiträge: 18

New PostErstellt: 13.02.16, 12:56  Betreff: Re: GRAPHICS for Kawasaki SXR 800 - custom  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Few photos from test from application new design for 92Performance jet skis.  


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Power Jetter

Beiträge: 18

New PostErstellt: 14.06.16, 15:37  Betreff: Re: GRAPHICS for Kawasaki SXR 800 - custom  drucken  weiterempfehlen

NEW GRAPHICS for Kawasaki SXR 800.

Printed on bubble free vinyl foil /for easier aplication/ and then laminated /extra protection of foil and colors against sun, water and small scratches/ 
Graphics with outline for better instalation.

Custom design, logos etc possible on request. 
If you have any idea for design just send a request.
Prices around 150€ /inc. graphics/ + shipping 
Shipping to Europe, UK and other destination possible.


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Power Jetter

Beiträge: 18

New PostErstellt: 22.06.17, 21:52  Betreff: Re: GRAPHICS for Kawasaki SXR 800 - custom NEW DESIGNS  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Brand new designs for YAMAHA  


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