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New PostErstellt: 04.07.10, 08:56     Betreff: Re: CS - Fortress of Fear (german/english)

Das große Los: Wie ich bei Günther J...
Important information for english users to download savegames: There are two links: "anzeigen" and "speichern". "anzeigen" means "show" which is only useful for pictures or text, and "speichern" means "download" or "save". You don't have to be a member or register.

"Dateianlagen" means "attachment".

Automatic Translation by Google!

Instructions: one must download first the general package, and unrar, for example, with IZarc: and then the desired level load, unrar, and copy the files in the suitable folders of the general package, thus the files in the main folder to the main folder of the general package, and the files in the folder Data to the folder Data of the general package. Then start tomb4.exe. The Savegames are in the main folder.


Attention: the download was changed! I still had the old file where the game begins with the time lever! With the new file the game begins with 2-2 lakes: to the pole jump... My Savegames work only with the old version!!! But my walkthrough is right, only in another order!

The time lever pull, to the door sprint, and jump in the spurt, so that Lara rolls under the door through, then fast go on. Savegame 0. About the knives jump, the lever pull, get back, and on the left the crowbar. Again go out, and on the right in the corridor break open the door. Further go, the corridor up, the grid shoot, and out go.

Secret 1/4: Pull on the left the lever, pull out behind the block, up jump, the block pull out, and further up jump and work the way along, then jump off with hold action key backward on the tile. Breast Plate take, and again go down.

Importantly: One does not need the Secrets, and there is also no reward for all Secrets!

To the right about the block and the fence jump, and push the block on the dark surface. Then on the wall two wall edges to the roof jump, to the right work the way along, and come up. The lever pull which opens a grid for a Secret. Again down, go on the right to the corridor, pull on top the lever, then push the box to the wall gap, up jump, and get Secret 2/4.

Back and push box in the niche in the fence, about the fence jump, and down jump. The door open, and about the wall gap jump. Further go, out, and to the right go. Here one can jump on the other wall, let down between the merlons, to the right, and pull the lever. Or:

Secret 3/4: one can jump here above the wall further to the other side, thus over the merlons. In addition one must jump with running jump and hold action key. Now one can swing over two poles to the wall gap, the lever pull, and below the Uzi get.

Go to the garden where the ball is. In the small tower jump, to the big tower jump, and pull the Jumpswitch. Then there in the corner get the Stone Sculling Key. Now again down at the level beginning, and the Stone Sculling Key use. Further go, until one comes to the next area.

2. Area:

Here one can go down either to the castle, or one jumps with running jump to the left over about the slant, to the lake. However, one comes back again here, thus it makes no difference, starts which part one.

2-1: Down to the castle:

In the garden on the double box jump, then jump to the right to the wall edge, and up. On the right further work the way along to the corner, to the pole jump off, and further swing to the other side. Then up to the entrance climb. On the right outside further to the lever in the niche climb, then go back, and pull two levers. Now one can climb outside about the blocks up and down. Now, in any case, one must push at the campfire the knight with the help of the block and the lever on the green surface. Then one can go on top near the lever to the new entrance. Savegame 1. The Sword take, again down, and on the other side in the corridor the ladder up climb, climb further up, push on the left the block, and get Golden ornament Key.

Then back in the garden and push box to the wall and on top the wall block in the wall push. In the water jump, to the lever dive, go ashore further, and. The block on the marked surface push, the slant jump up, further, the lever pull, back, and on top in the attic get the Grey Metal Key. Then in the water to the left dive, so that Lara comes again out to the garden.

Now again up climb to two levers where the Sword was, climb outwardly in the niche, and over jump on the rock, thus to the way back to the first castle.

Now here one could jump about the sloping rock in the lake, but with it my Savegames are right, now thus I have gone first again down to the garden with the ball:

1. Area:

Again in the small tower jump, to the big tower, and on the board jump off on the wall. To the entrance work the way along, and go to the mirror hall. Pull on the left the lever and Golden Key use, the ladder up, and Sword 2 and Secret 4/4 get. Then again go out to the garden. Now back at the level beginning, and again up to the second area.

2-2 lakes:

On top from the entrance with running jump to the left over the rock in the lake jump. Savegame 2. In the lake in the corridor dive, go ashore further, and. To the pole jump, further swing, and up climb. In the edge one must short let go, fast again grab, and fast jump press. Then about the rope balance, and about the rocks jump to the right down to the entrance. At one place one can pull himself up in the slant. Savegame 3. In the hall down, behind up in the next hall, and in the last room on all green fields jump.
A wooden torch take, light, in the first hall throw down, and on the raising block throw, then jump again up, to the climbing block in the middle, and jump to the lever. The lever pull, then go again down, about the wall edges jump up, and light wall torch. Then below one can get Sword 3.

Again in the lake jump, and up to the place where one can jump to the pole. Now, however, backward down slide, grab, and work the way along to the entrance in the waterfall. Press inside the switch, balance again about the rope and break open door, and Sword 4 take. There in the wall edge around the corner work the way along, and with hold action key jump backward to the pole, and further swing. With running jump to the Jumpswitch, then climb again up, about the pole to the ladder, up, and with running jump and hold action key jump down in the new entrance. Then further back at the level beginning go. Savegame 4.

1-st area:

Go to the garden with the ball, and in the entrance use the Grey Metal Key. Further in the hall where one can use four swords. Savegame 5. Then further, the left knight on the dark surface push, balance up to the rope, and over.
The knight with the underwater lever upwards carry, and to the left on the dark surface push. He must look to the water. Then push the other knight on the right dark surface, one can move over him first only from the edge. Then push the knight under whom ammunition lies once again. In the new entrance press the switch, and go to the other new hall. The Blue Crystal take, then one must shoot four dragons what can last a little bit. Savegame 6. Then up climb...


Alle Lösungen - all walkthroughs:ösungen-für-user-level/

[editiert: 13.07.10, 16:09 von laraweb]
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