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Jordan Motorsport hosts Presentation in Monaco

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Monaco Today

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Location: Beausoleil

New PostCreated: 2005-04-24, 12:58 PM CET  Subject: Jordan Motorsport hosts Presentation in Monaco  print  recommend

Jordan Motorsport hosts Press Conference in Monaco

Monaco, 15 January 2005 The Royal Automobile Club of Jordan’s sporting commission, which is led by HRH Prince Feisal Al Hussein, revealed its plans of the Kingdom’s intent to be the first, to bring the FIA World Rally Championship (WRC) to the Middle East, on the day of the first round of the 2005 FIA WRC season, at the Hotel de Paris. “The FIA WRC currently consists of 16 rounds across five continents but it has never visited the Middle East, a region not yet represented on its racing calendar,” said HRH Prince Feisal, “and the Jordan Rally, consisting of racing from over 1000m, down to the lowest point on earth, the Dead Sea at 400m below sea level makes it truly unique which would add a new and exciting aspect to the FIA WRC.” In many ways Jordan has already become the Gateway to the New Middle East and the lighthouse of the region, which provides an exposure opportunity for manufacturers not only to the Middle East but also to Africa. Jordan Motorsport has already submitted its letter of intent to the FIA, who will send two observers to monitor the 2005 Jordan Rally in May. Staunch support for the Kingdom’s FIA WRC ambitions come from HM King Abdullah II in addition to the public and private sectors. The Jordan Tourism Board, Greater Amman Municipality, Ministry of Public Works and the national carrier, Royal Jordanian, have been quick to commit their support as co-sponsors. For Jordan the FIA WRC will provide a catalyst for revamping motor sports on a grassroots and professional level, but more importantly, it will have a positive Economic impact on the Kingdom and demonstrate to the FIA that Jordan is a serious contender when it comes to hosting world class, FIA sanctioned events.

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