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ILTM Cannes 2005: Luxury in Hospitality

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Monaco Today

Messages: 51
Location: Beausoleil

New PostCreated: 2005-08-10, 02:00 PM CET  Subject: ILTM Cannes 2005: Luxury in Hospitality  print  recommend

International Luxury Travel Market (ILTM) is the only global trade event dedicated to enabling specialist luxury travel trade buyers from the world's top 52 outbound countries to meet exclusively with worldwide luxury travel suppliers, in a VIP "Hosted Buyer" appointment driven forum.

Luxury Travel is an industry in its own right. A lucrative industry representing the elite 3% of travellers who account for 20% of total annual travel expenditure - and who are immune to economic slowdown.

Specialist trade buyers and sellers serving this sector of the travel industry have very specific needs and expectations compared to their counterparts working in the mainstream travel trade. They require a trade medium that focuses exclusively on their sector.

Information and Registration through:

Info the only global trade event dedicated to enabling specialist luxury travel trade buyers from the world's top 52 outbound countries to meet exclusively with worldwide luxury travel suppliers, in a VIP "Hosted Buyer" appointment driven forum.

Luxury Travel is an industry in its own right. A lucrative industry representing the elite 3% of travellers who account for 20% of total annual travel expenditure - and who are immune to economic slowdown.

Specialist trade buyers and sellers serving this sector of the travel industry have very specific needs and expectations compared to their counterparts working in the mainstream travel trade. They require a trade medium that focuses exclusively on their sector. 


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