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Goldenfoot Monaco 2005

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Monaco Today

Messages: 51
Location: Beausoleil

New PostCreated: 2005-07-18, 03:24 PM CET  Subject: Goldenfoot Monaco 2005  print  print thread  recommend

Der Goldenfoot Award wird am 29. August in Monaco im Grimaldi Forum verliehen. Infos unter

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Monaco Today

Messages: 51
Location: Beausoleil

New PostCreated: 2005-07-18, 03:27 PM CET  Subject: Goldenfoot Monaco 2005  print  recommend

THE NEW FOOTPRINTS ON THE PROMENADE WILL BE:GIGI RIVA'S AND RIVELLINO'SThe Italian Luigi Riva and the Brazilian Roberto Rivellino are the first great champions who confirmed their attendance at the 2005 Golden Foot event. The two unforgettable champions will leave their footprints on "The Champions Promenade", the Walk of Fame of international football on the seafront of Monte Carlo. The ceremony of the footprints placing is to be held on August 29th . In the next weeks more football legends are expected to confirm their attendance and to join the names mentioned above.

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