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New PostErstellt: 30.11.05, 12:15     Betreff: Re: gameznflix - A0BMGL Antwort mit Zitat  

mögliche Kursentwicklungen:

Hier mal ein mögliches Szenario aus dem ihub-forum an dem man sieht, dass bei einem roll-out auf alle CC-Stores derzeitige Kurse immer noch ein Witz sind:

Check this Out!! Just throwing some WORST CASE SCENARIO numbers around here (LOVE doing this math:

we get the CC rollout and within a year we have gzfx in 600 stores. Each store sells on avg ONLY 5 subs a week which is NOTHING - i expect MUCH higher numbers. But just say 5. that's roughly 250 subs a year from each store. Thats 150k subscribers assuming all keep the service. But lets say 30k aren't happy and end the service. So we have 120k subs. That's not including word of mouth or ANY other form of advertisement.. JUST From CC sales alone. 120k x $12 (avg sub cost) = 1.44mm x 12 months = $17.28mm with 3.6mm going to CC as commission which leaves 13.68mm. Assume we spend a whopping 50% of that on acquisitions/inventory/mkting/overhead . That's 6.84MM Net Income which puts us at earnings of $.0057/shr. At that time with an excellent P/E of 15 (and i hope i dont have to tell you that NFLX's, SIRI's, XMSR p/e is MUCH MUCH higher, if they even have one) Our share price would be $.0855/shr. That's a quadruple from here!!!! And these numbers are REDICULOUSLY conservative!! that price would make us a true VALUE stock with such a low p/e and such high growth. I would think a fairer p/e would be closer to 30-50 which would put the price of the stock in the .17-.30 range. Not even taking into consideration here the valid hype that will be surrounding us the whole ride up.

Would love some comments or thoughts on this number crunch.. which i find to be EASILY OBTAINABLE.

Livin it and lovin it

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