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Sub needed for lovely Yonghe School:) 2weeks in December

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New PostCreated: 2010-10-09, 08:35 PM CET  Subject:  Sub needed for lovely Yonghe School:) 2weeks in December  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Hey, my name is Amy and I am an English teacher at The Lee Sisters in Yonghe.

The school is great, I really love my job but I will be going back to UK for 2 weeks from 20th December until 3rd January, if there is anybody who is looking for sub work over this time then please let me know. The ages are between 2-10 years of age.

The hours are 21 a week

Mon 9:40-11, 2-6:40

Tues 9:40-11, 2-4

Wed 9:40-11, 2-6:40

Thurs 9:40-11, 2-6:40 

Fri 9:40-11, 2-6:40

Your lunch and afternoon tea are also free(breakfast too if you come early enough) please contact me if you are interested and we can talk about pay etc.

I will provide you will full lesson plans and explainations so no need to prepare anything.

Looking forward to hearing from you! This school is truely lovely, the staff and kids are alot of fun and very helpful.

Take care

Amy xx

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