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Creative Head Of Checklist & Comicast 
Beiträge: 4730 Ort: Schweiz
wieviele Comics: too many
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Creative Head Of Checklist & Comicast 
Beiträge: 4730 Ort: Schweiz
wieviele Comics: too many
Erstellt: 17.01.06, 00:03 Betreff: Re: DC's April Solicitations
Phil & Lamonds Comic-Kolumne http://supercomics.blogspot.com
Jeden Sonntag neue Reviews! Jeden ersten und letzten Mittwoch des Monats: Kaines Top 5 und LL's US Preview
[editiert: 17.01.06, 00:03 von Lamond]
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Beiträge: 12723 Ort: Hamburg
wieviele Comics: 10.011 US-Marvels
Erstellt: 17.01.06, 00:09 Betreff: Re: DC's April Solicitations
neben meinen Batman-Abos (alle Kernserien und die Minis) sind für mich zwei besondere Leckerbissen dabei:
- Authority: More Kev TPB
- Y-The Last Man Vol.7 TPB
____________________ Marvel Checklist Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum
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Beiträge: 5647
Erstellt: 17.01.06, 00:16 Betreff: Re: DC's April Solicitations
Nichts neues das mich interessieren würde, die üblichen verdächtigen wie immer, bei Bite Club warte ich womöglich auf das Trade, wird Zeit dass ich mein März Abo mache 
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Miguel O'Hara
New Warrior 
Beiträge: 28
wieviele Comics: 19000+
Erstellt: 17.01.06, 08:39 Betreff: Re: DC's April Solicitations
Ausser meinen vier verbliebenen Serien (SG, GA, CA: A und YTLM) interessiert mich nur noch Bite Club (mag David Hahn) und Superman/Batman #26 wegen Heinberg, Turner und Madureira, sowie das Loveless Trade. Ansonsten vermisse ich DC kein Stück.
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Annihilation Wave 
Beiträge: 361 Ort: Hamburg
wieviele Comics: 2.200
Erstellt: 17.01.06, 09:13 Betreff: Re: DC's April Solicitations
Für mich gibts Jonah Hex, Loveless und The Exterminators. Alle drei Serien kann ich jedem nur wärmstens ans Herz legen!
Das Herz von St. Pauli Das ist meine Heimat In Hamburg da bin ich zu Haus
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Man Without Fear 
Beiträge: 230
Erstellt: 23.01.06, 09:42 Betreff: Re: DC's April Solicitations
Toller Monat für mich!
LOVELESS VOL. 1 TP Written by Brian Azzarello Art and cover by Marcelo Frusin Don't miss this collection featuring issues #1-5 of the Western series for a new millennium created by Eisner award-winning writer Brian Azzarello (100 BULLETS). With HELLBLAZER artist Marcelo Frusin, Azzarello tells the tough-as-nails saga of Wes Cutter, combining all the bloody action and atmosphere of a Sergio Leone film with the provocative storytelling of HBO's Deadwood. Advance-solicited; on sale May 26 • 160 pg, FC, $??.99 US • MATURE READERS
Y: THE LAST MAN - PAPER DOLLS TP Written by Brian K. Vaughan Art by Pia Guerra, Goran Sudzuka and José Marzan Jr. Cover by Massimo Carnevale The saga of Yorick Brown, the last man on Earth, continues in PAPER DOLLS, collecting issues #37-42 of writer Brian K. Vaughan's and artist Pia Guerra's hit Vertigo series. In addition to catching up on the adventures of Yorick's monkey Ampersand (whose body holds the key to stopping the male-killing plague) and telling the origin of Agent 355, PAPER DOLLS chronicles the search for Yorick's fiancée Beth in Australia - a search that yields a large dose of unwanted publicity for the Last Man and deadly consequences for those he cares for! Advance-solicited; on sale May 17 • 144 pg, FC, $14.99 US • MATURE READERS |
SEVEN SOLDIERS OF VICTORY VOL. 3 TP Written by Grant Morrison Art by Pasqual Ferry, Ryan Sook, Frazer Irving, Yanick Paquette, Doug Mahnke, Billy Dallas Patton, Mick Gray, and Michael Bair Cover by Paquette & Bair The brilliant mind of Grant Morrison (THE INVISIBLES, JLA, ANIMAL MAN, DOOM PATROL, New X-Men) is showcased once again as his most groundbreaking and ambitious project yet continues! This third volume in the series collects SEVEN SOLDIERS: MISTER MIRACLE #1-2, SEVEN SOLDIERS: ZATANNA #4, SEVEN SOLDIERS: KLARION THE WITCHBOY #4, SEVEN SOLDIERS: BULLETEER #1-2, and SEVEN SOLDIERS: FRANKENSTEIN #1. Independently, each of these characters is featured in a story arc of their own that redefines their purpose in the DCU. But their stories also interweave with the other Soldiers' tales, telling a grander story of a devastating global threat to mankind. Together these reluctant champions must arise and somehow work together to save the world...without ever meeting one another! Advance-solicited; on sale May 31 • 176 pg, FC, $14.99 US
EX MACHINA SPECIAL #1 Written by Brian K. Vaughan Art by Chris Sprouse & Karl Story Cover by Tony Harris The superstar art team of Chris Sprouse & Karl Story (Tom Strong, Ocean) joins writer Brian K. Vaughan for an all-new, 2-part adventure from Mayor Mitchell Hundred's super-heroic past! At long last, the origin of Jack Pherson, the Great Machine's mysterious archenemy, is finally revealed in this perfect introduction for readers new to the world of Ex Machina. On sale April 19 • 1 of 2 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • MATURE READERS
SANDMAN MYSTERY THEATRE VOL. 4: THE SCORPION TP Written by Matt Wagner & Steven T. Seagle Art by Guy Davis Cover by Gavin Wilson & Richard Bruning Collecting issues #17-20 of writer Matt Wagner's the acclaimed reimagination of the original Sandman. With THE SCORPION, writers Matt Wagner - and Steven T. Seagle continue to breathe rich new life into pulp genre conventions. Advance-solicited; on sale May 3 • 104 pg, FC, $12.99 US • MATURE READERS |
____________________ Phil & Lamonds Comic-Kolumne
Denn gute Reviews fallen nicht vom Himmel!
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Beiträge: 12723 Ort: Hamburg
wieviele Comics: 10.011 US-Marvels
Erstellt: 19.06.06, 23:55 Betreff: DC's Solicitations (Sep)
für mich wieder nur die Batman-Sachen interessant! Und THE BOYS natürlich...
was is denn das denn?
SNAKES ON A PLANE #1 & 2 Writtenby Chuck Dixon Art by Gordon Purcell Photo covers Issue #1 Variant cover by J.G. Jones Issue #2 Variant cover by Jerome Moore You’ve heard the Internet buzz…seen the hair-raising trailer…now experience the comic of the sensational summer movie Snakes on a Plane, written by Chuck Dixon (NIGHTWING) with art by Gordon Purcell and painted covers by J.G. Jones (52) and Jerome K. Moore (JSA: LOST)! Snakes on a Plane stars Samuel L. Jackson as an FBI agent assigned to escort a government witness on a flight to Los Angeles. But when a crimelord sets loose hundreds of deadly snakes during the flight, the agent must band together with the pilot, frightened crew and passengers in a desperate attempt to survive and protect his witness! Why’s it have to be snakes? Relax, they’re first-class fliers. Retailers please note: Each issue will feature two covers; see order form for details. Retrosolicited • Issue #1 on sale August 16; issue #2 on sale August 30 • 1 & 2 of 2 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • MATURE READERS |
Dafür ist das hier zum
FABLES: 1001 NIGHTS OF SNOWFALL HARDCOVER Writtenby Bill Willingham Art by Charles Vess, Brian Bolland, John Bolton, Michael Wm. Kaluta, James Jean, Tara McPherson, Derek Kirk Kim, Esao Andrews, Mark Buckingham, Mark Wheatley and Jill Thompson Cover by James Jean Don’t miss this stunning original hardcover collection written by FABLES creator Bill Willingham set in the early days of Fabletown, long before the FABLES series began! Featuring sequences illustrated by Charles Vess, Brian Bolland, John Bolton, Michael Wm. Kaluta, James Jean, Mark Buckingham, Jill Thompson and more, 1,001 NIGHTS OF SNOWFALL is both an entry point to the critically acclaimed series and an essential part of Willingham’s enchanting and imaginative FABLES mythos. Traveling in Arabia as an Ambassador from the exiled FABLES community, Snow White is captured by the local sultan who wants to marry her (and then kill her). But the clever Snow attempts to charm the sultan instead by playing Scheherazade, telling him fantastic stories for a total of 1,001 nights. Running the gamut from horror to dark intrigue to mercurial coming-of-age, FABLES:1,001 NIGHTS OF SNOWFALL reveals the secret histories of familiar FABLES characters through a series of compelling and visually illustrative tales. Advance-solicited; on sale October 18 • 144 pg, FC, $19.99 US • MATURE READERS Edited by Shelly Bond |
____________________ Marvel Checklist Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum
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Beiträge: 5647
Erstellt: 20.06.06, 00:04 Betreff: Re: DC's Solicitations
snakes on a plane ist ein Samuel jackson Film mit Schlangen in einem Flugzeug, sowas wie Blair witch project ein C-Movie, das seit Monaten massig im internet gehypt wird, in der Hoffnung gas sich irgend jemand das antut
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Beiträge: 12723 Ort: Hamburg
wieviele Comics: 10.011 US-Marvels
Erstellt: 20.06.06, 00:08 Betreff: Re: DC's Solicitations
Den Film kannte ich, nur warum von so einem SChwachfug auch noch ein Comic machen! Naja, DC halt! 
____________________ Marvel Checklist Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum
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