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Creative Head Of Checklist & Comicast

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wieviele Comics: too many

New PostErstellt: 14.10.06, 03:32  Betreff: Re: X-Men News  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Mike Carey und Mark Brooks arbeiten am X-Men Anual:

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Beiträge: 12723
Ort: Hamburg

wieviele Comics: 10.011 US-Marvels

New PostErstellt: 14.10.06, 05:38  Betreff: Re: X-Men News  drucken  weiterempfehlen

WAS? Das ist Mark Brooks! Auf den schimpfe ich ja gewöhnlich wegen seiner Mickey-Mouse-Zeichnungen, aber wie es scheint, braucht der Mann nur einen vernünftigen Inker und Coloristen! Sieht super aus! Wenn er nur noch solche Werke zu Papier bringt, kauf ich mir jedes Heft von dem...
am liebsten eine Rogue-Ongoing!

Marvel Checklist
Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum

[editiert: 14.10.06, 10:00 von Legacy]
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New PostErstellt: 14.10.06, 09:30  Betreff: Re: X-Men News  drucken  weiterempfehlen

sagst du ja bloss wegen Rogues

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Creative Head Of Checklist & Comicast

Beiträge: 4730
Ort: Schweiz

wieviele Comics: too many

New PostErstellt: 14.10.06, 11:45  Betreff: Re: X-Men News  drucken  weiterempfehlen

    Zitat: Legacy
    WAS? Das ist Mark Brooks! Auf den schimpfe ich ja gewöhnlich wegen seiner Mickey-Mouse-Zeichnungen, aber wie es scheint, braucht der Mann nur einen vernünftigen Inker und Coloristen! Sieht super aus! Wenn er nur noch solche Werke zu Papier bringt, kauf ich mir jedes Heft von dem...
Same here! Ich kann kaum glauben, dass diese eine Brooks Zeichnung ist.

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Jake Gallows
Leader Of The Infamous Ghost Rider Gang

Beiträge: 1423

wieviele Comics: 'nen paar

New PostErstellt: 14.10.06, 14:01  Betreff: Re: X-Men News  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Brooks mochte ich auch "früher" schon, aber ja, das sieht großartig aus.

Die dt. Punisher Fanpage, nun endlich wieder online:

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New PostErstellt: 14.10.06, 19:57  Betreff: Re: X-Men News  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Xarey redet ein wenig über das X-Men Universum.

Frage mich wer der Bösewicht ist? Der gefährlcihste, fällt mir sofort Proteus ein.


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New PostErstellt: 14.10.06, 20:10  Betreff: Kauft X-23: Target!  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Hi -

I'm Mike Choi and I'm the penciler on the new X-23 series coming out in December. I know a lot of people pimp their stuff on the boards so I'll try to keep this brief and to the point, and not do this again until after the book comes out.

The issue is being solicited right now in Previews, and there's a 3-page preview included (please keep in mind that it looks a little washed out because it looks like they printed off of low-rez jpegs). If you like the art, then I can strongly recommend the book.

When I first got the project I really wasn't interested in working on it. I'd just come off a run on Witchblade, basically a title that would NEVER get over the stereotype that people had placed the title in, no matter what Ron Marz (the writer) and I did. It was especially frustrating when the only gigs I'd get outside of Witchblade (as grateful as I was to get them) were for T&A covers (because we were working on Witchblade), and we'd have to take them because in the end, we really needed the money (we'd still try to keep them relatively tasteful).

Not being familiar with the character, I really wasn't interested in working on X-23, or as I thought of her, "Chick-Wolverine". Not "Wolverine-Girl" or "Wolverine-Woman" but "Chick-Wolverine." She looked like the last of a long line of Wolverine clones, which wasn't helped when I read somewhere that she was literally a clone of Wolverine.

Then I read the first book by Craig Kyle and Chris Yost. The one the explained X-23's origin. Now, I have about 900 trade paperbacks and I pretty much only go to cons to pick up trades at 50% off. In short, I love reading comic books. I read them primarily for the stories, with good art being a much welcomed bonus. The first X-23 story is a GOOD story. First of all, it makes her existence plausible, including the fact that she is female (which I'm so glad they addressed). Second, it gives you a character you really care about. I really like this character now, and am so happy to be able to help tell a story about her, and this is after coming in really not liking her and wanting to kind of sweep her under the continuity rug.

The first thing I did after reading the first script was to BEG the editors not to take the project away from me. So if you dig the art, I'm pretty confident you'll like the story too, although, and I do have to stress this, it would help you immensely if you read the first arc first.

So that's me being brief and to the point. I'm having a lot of fun working on this, but the true credit on the art goes to Sonia Oback, who's the colorist on the book. As someone once put it, I give her the tune, she's the one that makes it sing. Please check out our website for samples of what we've done (please excuse incidental tit or ass here and there).

Thanks for reading. Please check out the preview and if you dig it, ask your dealer to put it in you box.


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Master Pick Up Artist

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Ort: Bornheim (zw. Köln und Bonn)

wieviele Comics: ca. 2500

New PostErstellt: 16.10.06, 16:32  Betreff: Re: X-Men News  drucken  weiterempfehlen

    Zitat: Legacy
    WAS? Das ist Mark Brooks! Auf den schimpfe ich ja gewöhnlich wegen seiner Mickey-Mouse-Zeichnungen, aber wie es scheint, braucht der Mann nur einen vernünftigen Inker und Coloristen! Sieht super aus! Wenn er nur noch solche Werke zu Papier bringt, kauf ich mir jedes Heft von dem...
    am liebsten eine Rogue-Ongoing!
Mickey-Mouse hat doch auch große Ohren. Das hat er jetzt einfach auf Rogue übertragen.


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New PostErstellt: 06.11.06, 18:50  Betreff: X-Factor 13 JQ Variant  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Schraubt die Verkaufszahlen hoch, 50/50 Variants sind ok.


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New PostErstellt: 06.11.06, 18:56  Betreff: Joss Whedon and his lame X-Men...  drucken  weiterempfehlen

He’s taken Emma Frost back to her White Queen roots, brought back the Morrison-era threat of Cassandra Nova, depowered Cyclops and used cute little Kitty Pryde as a pawn. So what can writer Joss Whedon do for an encore? Create a final Astonishing X-Men arc with artist John Cassaday that’s so much bigger and better, it’s “Unstoppable”!

But before issue #19 begins the X-Men’s trip to the Breakworld—where Colossus allegedly destroys the alien planet—what about all the dizzying details from the previous arc?

Don’t get your spandex in a twist—Wizard sat down with Whedon and grilled him Cerebra-style about all the “yeahbuhWHAT?!” moments he’s astonished us with. If you’ve been trying to figure out how he got away with the Kitty/Peter off-panel sex, having Cyclops shoot people with a gun and avoiding Civil War and other crossovers like Wolverine avoids getting his back waxed, we’ve got the next best thing to getting telepathic powers and reading Whedon’s mind yourself!

So…Cyclops isn’t a mutant anymore after Emma psychically manipulated him when she went bad?

JOSS WHEDON: No, he doesn't have his powers. Well, he has a choice to either be completely out of control or bury them. He can't use them. That's pretty much it. But the thing that would be fun is that, with no powers, he's going to be the best that he's ever been. That's what the arc is about. Once you start dealing with these guys, they become more and more fascinating. But I concentrated on Cyclops because he's been the team leader and the team washout in terms of popularity. He was defined by Jean [Grey] so much, and I just think that this guy is so interesting in his struggle against mediocrity. Then, when it's all laid on the line, when you find out the thing that's been holding him back from being just a complete badass has been himself all his life, that he's been lying to everyone, including himself, about who he is—that should be freeing. The Scott that we're going to see is going to be a little bit different. This guy is either completely out of control or in control of something we're not used to. I wanted him to be an unabashed tough guy. He is shooting people and turning very much into a leader. Not everyone is going to like it.”

So, Lockhead’s been spying on the X-Men for S.W.O.R.D.? He’s a lovable li’l dragon!

WHEDON: “Yeah, how about that? I thought that I would get a little bit more into the Lockheed situation and make him a little less of a pet and more of a player. Beyond that I'll not say. Actually, I probably won't pay that off completely. I'm going to raise some questions about him more than doing a whole arc on his planet. I have to sow some seeds while I'm on the book. If no one picks it up, no one picks it up. Him and [S.W.O.R.D. director] Abigail [Brand] can go off and be awesome.”

Are you prepared for Lockheed-fan backlash?

WHEDON: Jeph Loeb made it very clear to me that I was never to go near those places on the Internet when I started out, which was a great piece of advice. If it happens, I won't know about it. I think that people will be pleased because it's going to give Lockheed a little bit more than ‘I show up and I'm cute.’ The question is whether he's doing this willingly, or was this done to him? What's the motivation of that dragon? If people are like, ‘You've destroyed the essence of Lockheed,’ I'm not going to lose a lot of sleep. They're already pissed at me about the Danger Room. Didn't they introduce the Danger Cave like five seconds after I got rid of the Danger Room?’” [Editor’s Note: Yes, Joss, they did. See New X-Men #21.]

How do the X-Men come back from Emma’s attack and move on to the Breakworld?

WHEDON: The trick is that she's basically attacking everyone in a way that makes them stronger. She deconstructs Scott and Hank and Logan. Everyone is dealing with an issue that they have so that they can get over it. So she's in the process of trying to destroy the X-Men, but she's also rebuilding them. She's actually making them stronger. When they get off-world and get their shit together, it's going to be the best superhero team in the universe, which is pretty cool.”

Um, the Kitty/Peter sex was cute and romantic, but it also made me feel a little dirty…

WHEDON: “The thing is that everything [in that scene] is about as dirty as you want it to be, which is how I like to write. [Laughs] I had dinner with Brian K. Vaughan and he was like, ‘Did Wolverine smell them on each other, or did he just know because he knew because they were acting guilty?’ I was like, ‘Which do you want?’ He was like, ‘I will take smell, please.’ I was like, ‘There it is.’ That's the beauty of it.”

Why don’t we ever see Astonishing crossing over with things like Civil War or other major Marvel events? Do you not play well with others?

WHEDON: I wish that I could [work in crossovers] sometimes because that's sort of fun, but I hate books that necessitate the reading of other books. It's just difficult to keep up because we were bi-monthly. Things are moving so fast, too. They went straight from House of M fallout to Civil War, and they've got stuff coming up after that that's pretty mind-blowing. DC is doing the same thing. The events are walking among us like giants. It's event after event after event, and there’s barely enough room for all of them. The other thing about it is that my stories tend to take place in a day. I don't set out to do that, but I'm not a great one for the passage of time. I love momentum. I love to see people going through something very intense. I like to get into real-time as soon as possible. So ultimately, that makes it harder for me to be part of their big events—but also easier for me to do the book without running up against them.”


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Beiträge: 12723
Ort: Hamburg

wieviele Comics: 10.011 US-Marvels

New PostErstellt: 20.11.06, 17:54  Betreff: Re: X-Men News  drucken  weiterempfehlen

    Mutant Massacre. Fall of the Mutants. Inferno. X-Tinction Agenda. What do these have in common and why should X-Fans start digging out their back issues and trades? We're not telling, but they should... if they want a hint of the X-world in 2007!This Has A “You’re Such A Tease!” Factor Of Seven Out Of Ten
Any guesses???

Marvel Checklist
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New PostErstellt: 20.11.06, 18:24  Betreff: Re: X-Men News  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Sinister oder?

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