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No new posts HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008 !!!
 yes, Happy new year!!!
hlymzik 2008-02-21, 02:24 PM CET
No new posts Giant hunting
Now, when I have lvl 65 psy, I have Satanalogy, wich can loot enemy for about 20 sec.
Now, we, long-rangers could kill giants easily. Let's kill some giant by guild xD
hlymzik 2007-04-08, 10:15 PM CET
No new posts lvl 64+ psy/mage equipment (except staff)
Yeah, Iam looking for equipment for lvl 64+ psy/mage. Do you have some?
Don't offer to me things, that I can buy from NPCes
hlymzik 2007-02-23, 08:15 PM CET
No new posts MailBox
Where is Mailbox ?!  It's gone from these, who sell boards >.< Few of my green items are gone! =( GRrr
hlymzik 2007-02-20, 08:10 AM CET
No new posts HAPPY NEW YEAR 2OO7 !!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2OO7 from Finland !!!

hlymzik 2006-12-31, 11:18 PM CET
No new posts Xfire

Xfire is this kind of Friend Tracker (

  • See when your friends are online, what game they're playing, and what server they're on
  • Join in on their games with one click
  • See what the friends of your friends are playing

I dont know is it helpful programm (help me to understand it XD), but I have installed it. My nickname is same as there : hlymzik ... Add me if you will use this programme.

And yes, it support Flyff.

hlymzik 2006-12-10, 04:21 PM CET
No new posts Our favorite anime(manga) /8D

What anime do you like, watch, don't like? ...want to watch, but you don't know, is it good...etc...

I have question: How many series in Inu Yasha?

Ok, I started to be an anime fan, not so long time ago ... as I remember, it was winter 2005 , and If I'am right my first animeserial was NGE. After that I needed to get two movies of NGE and OST  It's kind of crazy serial and you need to know about bible a little bit to understand it. I cant say did I like it or not, but it was intresting.

I just finished watching of Vandread and Vandread: The second stage for second time, and it's... it's great!

Why do I like those anime more than original movies? In anime, there is more feelings, they can describe more than movies.

P.S. I think we could help each other in searching animes by writing pm:s...So, don't afarid to ask =P

hlymzik 2006-11-29, 07:42 PM CET
No new posts Our favorite music (|-_-|)

What genre of music do you like and what are you listening for now?

In the summer I have listen to D'n'B, such as Pendulum and Stim Axel. In the august I founded a new genre for me - psychodelica. Phanatic's "In my head" album is now my favorite=) It is awesome!   Also I like to listen to soundtracks from anime, that I like. But Iam not so addicted that Iam listening for only one album/singer for a long time xD. It's depend on my mood, what I'am listening(And, of course what on my mp3-player is recorded ^^), sometimes I could listen even classic-like music.

hlymzik 2006-11-21, 09:56 PM CET
No new posts About forum
Thank you for this forum, but could you do something with it width? I dont know how it look in 1280xXXXX resolution, but in 1024x768 you need to scroll right to read full message.
hlymzik 2006-11-20, 03:57 PM CET
No new posts What is Flyff and Skycatcher ? Quick guide

Flyff - short for 'Fly For Fun', is an MMORPG made by the company Aeonsoft. Flyff, unlike many other MMORPGs, is free to play. As the name implies, players can fly around the world using a hover board, broom and other devices. It also offers player vs. player as well as 120 levels of character progression.

Skycatcher – one of many guilds in the Flyff world.

Homepage in English:

Homepage in Korean:

Fan site, where is many useful things(english):

Fan site (Russian):


Wiki (English):

P.S. I noticed, that we have many guests on the forum, so I decide to write what are we talking about. If you have something to add, write pm to me, so this stay clean :)

hlymzik 2006-11-20, 12:25 PM CET
No new posts Ele vs. Psy

I dont know, will it help if you already made a choice, but It will help to understand, in what you are getting involved x)


Someone think that Psy is better than Ele:

There's a lot of reading, but its useful x) And I found phrase, that somebody says and I like it : Playing any game is supposed to be for fun, not for being the best. 

hlymzik 2006-11-20, 07:58 AM CET
No new posts Some info INT vs. STA Elelmentor

There's practically shown the difference between STA and INT Elementor:

hlymzik 2006-11-20, 07:41 AM CET
No new posts Skycatcher (Warning! Lots of pics ^^)

Some ppls know that yesterday we had photosession ^^ Below, there is my first work in photoshop (I have only Photoshop Elements)... It took about 2 hours  lol XD

P.s. I wanted to make it to the mai page, but we'll see what you say =)

hlymzik 2006-11-15, 08:03 PM CET
No new posts Parts of sets, that I have.

There's parts of sets, that I have:

  1. Cylos Gauntlet (Female) Mercenary lvl 30  D.R. 136-138
  2. Cylos Helmet (Female) Mercenary lvl 30  D.R. 83-86
  3. Comet Boots (Male) Mercenary lvl 30  D.R. 105-107
  4. Sorain Helmet (Male) Magician lvl 30  D.R. 66-69
  5. Sorain Helmet (Male) Magician lvl 30  D.R. 66-69 /// +3
  6. Sorain Boots (Male) Magician lvl 30  D.R. 94-95 /// +3
  7. Miragle Boots (Female) Acrobat lvl 30  D.R. 94-96
  8. Hyper Gauntlet (Female) Acrobat lvl 45  D.R. 194-197  /// Rented by Flory
  9. Cruiser Boots (Male) Acrobat lvl 45  D.R. 150-153
  10. Cruiser Boots (Male) Acrobat lvl 45  D.R. 150-153
  11. Cruiser Gauntlet (Male) Acrobat lvl 45  D.R. 194-197
  12. Cruiser Gauntlet (Male) Acrobat lvl 45  D.R. 194-197
  13. Layered Helmet (Male) Acrobat lvl 30  D.R. 78-81
  14. Stinger Helmet (Female) Acrobat lvl 15  D.R. 46-48
  15. Flury Helmet (Female) Assist lvl 45  D.R. 113-115
  16. Flury Gauntlet (Female) Assist lvl 45  D.R. 184-186 /// STR+ (+4)
  17. Sayram Helmet (Female) Assist lvl 30  D.R. 71-73
  18. Wedge Helmet (Male) Assist lvl 45  D.R. 113-115
  19. Talin Boots (Male) Assist lvl 30  D.R. 89-91
  20. Sardine Helmet (Male) Assist lvl 15  D.R. 41-43
  21. Sardine Gauntlet (Male) Assist lvl 15  D.R. 68-70

There is just good equip:

  • Miragle (Unisex) Acrobat lvl 40  A.R. 96-97 /// STR +2, DEX +1
  • Jaim Sword (Unisex) Mercenary lvl 40  A.R. 118-120 /// INT +1, STA +1
  • Dramon Gauntlet +2 (Male) Magician lvl 45  D.R. 180-183 /// DEX +1, STA +3

If you need something of things above, write me in forum or in game (hlymzik -Mushpoie)

hlymzik 2006-11-08, 09:38 AM CET
No new posts Elementer or Psykeeper?
I'am only 40lvl magican, but I would know, what our guild need more: psykeepers or elementors? :) Yep, it depends on me, but for me it is almost same which one.  
hlymzik 2006-11-07, 01:21 PM CET
No new posts hlymzik says "Hallöuu"

Hi! Eh.. what should I write about me? Ok, ok some basic things ^^

I'am 18 years old (yeah! I got driving license half year ago =P) For now I live in Finland. There's place named Tornio on the border with Sweden. About 4 years ago I lived in Russia - my motherland. Now I'am studing for an architect (almost) and at the same time I'am second-year studentat the secondary school. Ehh X) Are you bored already?

My first mmorpg was R.O.S.E. Online. Now you need to pay for playing, but some time ago it was in beta-testing and free for playing for a long time.

Thats all.

P.S. Sry for mistakes ^^

hlymzik 2006-11-06, 08:56 PM CET
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