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Beiträge: 105

New PostCreated: 2005-01-11, 09:21 PM CET     Subject: Re: Technical improvements of the remake Reply with Quotation  

Das verlorene Symbol
    Zitat: Fawlty
    - Include a small panel on the screen containing tower details (title, name of author, spiders available, goal, author's comment). User should be able to hide / minimize this to save screen space.
Mmmh, it's possible to make, but do we really need such detail panel? I want to create an info panel when tower starts (while "Ready" text is flashing)

    Zitat: Fawlty
    - Use the small LED-symbol next to the "spider-buttons" to indicate the availability of each spider. Disable the buttons of non-existing spiders.
Yes, that's good idea...

    Zitat: Fawlty
    - Make the control panel smaller. It obscures too much of the 3D view and looks too clumsy.
Therefore i created "minimized mode" panel for more 3D view on screen. "clumsy" (? do you mean "dtsch. unbeholfen" ?) Mmmh, it's like the original panel and has same design...

    Zitat: Fawlty
    - The control panel should not be transparent. It's better to have a smaller field of vision than to have parts of it obscured by control elements. (Of course that part of the 3D view that is now obscured by the panel must not be cut off! The 3D view must always contain the full image, only with other proportions.)
Control panel is drawn by GUI (Graphics User Interface) module, therefore it has to be transparent and it's look good, i think, but otherwise.... Do you mean FOV (field of view) angles with "3D view proportions"? FOV and other viewport parameters are fixed values and only set by Initialization routine and is'nt variable...

    Zitat: Fawlty
    - Use the middle mouse button (additional to the TAB key) to turn full screen / mouse movement mode on and off. It's annoying to be able to turn it on with a click on the small arrow button, but to have to reach for the keyboard to turn it off again.
Maybe it's simple to implement, if INP (input) module supports middle mouse button...

    Zitat: Fawlty
    - Spider movement should be continuous when you keep the forward button or the up arrow key depressed. Why does the spider stop after one field?
Last version I repaired it...

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