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Beiträge: 310

New PostCreated: 2005-01-13, 08:06 PM CET     Subject: Re: Technical improvements of the remake Reply with Quotation  

Sandisk Sansa Clip Tragb...
    Zitat: Mayo
      Zitat: Fawlty
      - Include a small panel on the screen containing tower details (title, name of author, spiders available, goal, author's comment). User should be able to hide / minimize this to save screen space.
    Mmmh, it's possible to make, but do we really need such detail panel? I want to create an info panel when tower starts (while "Ready" text is flashing)
Well, it's a must, isn't it? Just like in the original - a briefing screen when the tower starts, and a window/panel you can pop up when in-game, in case you forgot your objective or something.

By the way, another question concerning cameras. Are you going to do dynamic cameras, which can move freely and change the angle of view (up, down, swivel left, right) in addition to moving the camera position, or do you want to stick to cameras which can only move in two dimensions and zoom in? Or do you want to place cameras on a circular "rail" as opposed to the four linear rails of the original?
Can cameras zoom through walls? If so, how deep can they go?
After all, there's no definite need to stick to the original's camera handling, which sometimes is very confusing due to the limitations inherent in it.

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