Dr. Faustus
Beiträge: 107 Ort: Aßling
Erstellt: 08.06.05, 10:29 Betreff: Re: Testbench
hier ein beispiel für eine einfache Testbench. Die anpassungen für ein AND sollten nicht so schwer sein.
-- ************************************************************** -- * Name : tb_c_a_code_gen.vhd * -- * ---------------------------------------------------------- * -- * Funktion : * -- * ---------------------------------------------------------- * -- * Autor : Dipl.-Ing.Michael Bodenbach * -- * ---------------------------------------------------------- * -- * Date : 06.10.2003 * -- * Modified : * -- * ---------------------------------------------------------- * -- * Modifications : * -- * * -- **************************************************************
-- ************************************************************** -- * Libraray Declarations * -- ************************************************************** library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;
-- ************************************************************** -- * Entity declaration * -- ************************************************************** entity testbench_01 is end;
-- ************************************************************** -- * Begin of the architecture * -- ************************************************************** architecture testbench_arch of testbench is
-- ************************************************************** -- * Test-Component declaration * -- ************************************************************** signal clock : std_logic := '0'; signal c_a_code : std_logic; signal gps_prn_sn : std_logic; signal Reset : std_logic;
component c_a_code_gen port ( clock : in std_logic; -- Generator clock c_a_code : out std_logic; gps_prn_sn : in std_logic; Reset : in std_logic -- Reset ); end component;
-- ************************************************************** -- * Define the system clock rate * -- ************************************************************** CONSTANT SYS_CLK : Time := 977517 ps; -- 1.023MHz
signal count : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
uut : c_a_code_gen port map ( clock => clock, c_a_code => c_a_code, gps_prn_sn => gps_prn_sn, Reset => Reset );
rst : process begin Reset <= '1'; wait for 10 ns; Reset <= '0'; wait; end process;
par : process(Reset, clock) begin if (Reset = '0') then count <= (others => '0'); gps_prn_sn <= "1"; elsif rising_edge(clock) then count <= count + 1; if (count = x"a") then gps_prn_sn <= not gps_prn_sn; end if; end if; end process;
-- System Clock Generation sysclk : process begin wait for SYS_CLK / 2; clock <= not clock; end process sysclk;
end testbench_arch;
configuration c_a_code_gen_cfg of testbench is for testbench_arch end for; end c_a_code_gen_cfg;