kleine #10
...heult schon den Mond an 
Beiträge: 240
Erstellt: 09.08.05, 04:27 Betreff: greetings from tina's host sister! |
hello! i'm shannon, tina's host sister. just to let you know, tina misses you all VERY much...i am constantly hearing about you all from her! and your chocolate is very good...yummy. did you know that tina likes to change clothes in the closet??? is this some kind of german costume, or is tina just very...wierd? o.O it scared me when i heard sniffles coming out of her closet and realized that she was in it...people in america don't usually change in their closets...maybe it's a new trend going around...i think i might try this tonight. much love! shannon
p.s.-i don't know but 3 words of German, so tina is translating everything for me...

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Jaaaaaaaaaa - bewundert es ruhig mein schönes Banner!!! hehe! Schön, nich!?
____________________ ArT is fRee