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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 25.10.15, 13:15     Betreff: Mail-Konto des CIA-Chefs gehackt

Mail-Konto des CIA-Chefs gehackt weil nicht mit der US-Auslandspolitik einverstanden ist. Außerdem befürworte er die Ausrichtung von Palästina." und

WikiLeaks Releases 6 John Brennan Email Docs ( Die Links sind Sicher 100%)

WikiLeaks Releases 3 More John Brennan Email Docs

Israeli forces shoot boy, 13, in cheek, shoulder, during clashes

Israeli forces shot an injured a 13-year-old Palestinian in the cheek and left shoulder during clashes in Hizma village outside of the central West Bank city of Ramallah early Saturday, medical sources said.

Palestinian succumbs to wounds sustained days earlier in Gaza demo

The number killed by Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip continues to rise as a Palestinian succumbed Saturday to wounds sustained during a demonstration days before, Gaza’s ministry of health said.

Spokesperson of the ministry of health, Ashraf al-Qidra, told Ma’an that Khalil Hassan Abu Obeid, 25, died after being injured by Israeli forces in eastern Khan Younis.

Obeid is the 17th Palestinian to be killed in the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the month.

Lawmaker Mustafa Barghouti attacked near his home

Unknown assailants attacked lawmaker Mustafa Barghouthi, the secretary-general and co-founder of the Palestinian National Initiative party, also known as Mubadara, on Saturday, Barghouthi told Ma'an.

Barghouthi said that two men assaulted him with a sharp tool, injuring him in his face in the al-Tira neighborhood of Ramallah, near his home.

He added that one of the attackers said “let the Intifada protect you” before both men fled, insinuating that the attack could have been nationalistic in nature.

Jewish Defense League mob attacks Paris journalists

Riot police had to be called out in Paris Thursday night as the offices of Agence France-Presse were attacked by a large crowd of pro-Israel extremists.

The Jewish Defense League, a violent radical Zionist group, was angry with AFP’s coverage of current events in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip and present-day Israel.

"Links"unten geht es weiter mit dem Revisionismus Gesicht .. jemand hat gepostet diesen Lügen
es gibt vielen Beweisen die sprechen gegen dieses Lüge , auch Wikipedia die Oft auf den israelise Seite steht ( insbesodere die deutsche aber auch die englische nicht so stärck wie die deutsche.. und spanische Sprachen ) .
Zum Gluck Wikipedia auf italianische Sprache bis jetzt .... es ist nicht in ihren Hande gefallen und man kann lesen das :
"Il rapporto tra il mondo ebraico italiano e il fascismo, prima dell'emanazione delle leggi razziali nel 1938, fu generalmente buono e le posizioni degli esponenti delle comunità ebraiche italiane furono squisitamente politiche".
Ich habe dieses Information zwei mal gepostet ,und beiden wurden von "Links"unten Zensiert !!
Bis dem Rassengesetz in 1938 , Reichen und Konservative Jüdinnen haben Seit Erste Stünde , die Faschismus unterstürtz , nur Linken Jüdinnen haben die faschismus gekämpft

Video - By Gideon Levy

Gideon Levy, Respected Israeli journalist, explains why Israel is like an addict living off the financial aid from the USA to keep feeding it's "occupation addition"

Jerusalem chaos is a warning of things to come

Among Palestinians and Israelis, the recent upsurge in violence has been variously described as the children’s, lone-wolf, Jerusalem and smartphone intifadas. Each describes a distinguishing feature of this round of clashes.

The steady erosion of Fatah and Hamas’ authority during the post-Oslo years, as the Palestinian factions proved incapable of protecting their people from the structural violence of the occupation, has driven Palestine’s orphaned children to the streets, armed with stones.

The growing hopelessness and sense of abandonment have led a few so-called “lone wolves” to vent their fury on Israelis with improvised weapons such as knives, screwdrivers and cars. These attacks have attracted the most publicity, becoming the equivalent of the second intifada’s suicide bomber. But they serve chiefly as a barometer of Palestinian despair.

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