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Lebanon’s war on ‘hashish’ indistinguishable from war on the poor

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 02.12.14, 17:41  Betreff: Lebanon’s war on ‘hashish’ indistinguishable from war on the poor  drucken  weiterempfehlen

The cultivation of cannabis is popular in specific areas that have special characteristics like high altitude and sunlight, similar to the Bekaa region. This differential feature of Lebanon, which can revive the Lebanese countryside, has been overcome by the alternative agricultural policies required from abroad. The health risks associated with the use of cannabis are minimal compared to alcohol and tobacco, and compared with the results of the war on cannabis cultivation which only affects the poor segments of society.

Bild : A cannabis farmer in the Bekaa Valley prays as Lebanese army men come to destroy his harvest


A cannabis farmer in the Bekaa Valley prays as Lebanese army men come to destroy his harvest.jpg (111 kByte, 780 x 498 Pixel)
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