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Yamaha Superjet - NEW PRICE 4400,-€ ***VERKAUFT***

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Power Jetter

Beiträge: 18

New PostErstellt: 12.05.14, 19:23  Betreff: Yamaha Superjet - NEW PRICE 4400,-€ ***VERKAUFT***  drucken  weiterempfehlen

For sale Yamaha Superjet 2007.
Year of made 2007.
WORX intake, R&D ride plate, Hot Products 0°handlebar with RRP lock on grips, Blowsion spring, kick tail, front long sponsons WAVE 2 Racing, new stickers. NO MODIFICATIONS on engine. With documents. In excellent condition, LOW HOURS.
More info:   -  mobile: +421911811001
PRICE: 4900,- €  4400,-€

No problem with spedition to Vienna - Bruck am. Leitha - to try it there.
Other locations on request.
Must sale because have another ski for this season in garage. 

[editiert: 16.07.14, 10:49 von DAKONE]


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