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World Athletics Final and Gala in Monaco

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Monaco Today

Messages: 51
Location: Beausoleil

New PostCreated: 2005-08-07, 11:29 PM CET  Subject: World Athletics Final and Gala in Monaco  print  recommend

World Athletics Final 2005 in Monaco:

 There is only one month until the World Athletics Final 05’ starts in Monaco.

Outside of the World Championships and Olympic Games, the IAAF World Athletics Final is the most star-studded fixture on the global athletics calendar.

The World Athletics Final is the pinnacle of not just the “TDK Golden League” and Grand Prix season but of the entire Athletics year, and in September 2005 (Friday, 9th and Saturday, 10th )it will be the showcase for many newly crowned World Champions from Helsinki.

As was the case in the last two summers, the conclusion of the final day’s competition in Monaco will also be topped-out in appropriate style with the staging of the prestigious International Athletics Foundation Gala on Saturday, 9th September, where the Athlete of the Year awards will be announced in Monte Carlo.

Further Informations and Ticketing can be found under:



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