Freies Politikforum für Demokraten und Anarchisten
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Ankündigung: Die Unruhen in Griechenland haben soziale und politische Ursachen
5 |
bjk |
19.12.08, 11:48 bjk |
6495 |
Ankündigung: Hungerrevolten und Ernährungskrise
4 |
bjk |
01.02.14, 17:59 bjk |
5621 |
Ankündigung: Reizwort Zionismus - was ist darunter zu verstehen?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
48 |
bjk |
20.07.14, 06:38 bjk |
26637 |
Fury in Cambodia as US asks to be paid back hundreds of millions in war debts
1 |
palestina libera |
15.03.17, 18:14 palestina libera |
1133 |
Mehr als 1.000 polizisten demostrieren in Barcelona gegen CUP
2 |
palestina libera |
06.02.17, 14:45 palestina libera |
1454 |
How Cyprus talks stalemate serves British strategic interests
1 |
palestina libera |
16.01.17, 22:09 palestina libera |
954 |
The war on Cash
3 |
palestina libera |
21.01.17, 14:37 palestina libera |
1398 |
David Cameron savaged by MPs for 'opportunistic regime change' in Libya
4 |
palestina libera |
27.10.16, 13:32 palestina libera |
1693 |
US school 'forced 12-year-old to confess he was IS terrorist'
2 |
palestina libera |
23.08.16, 22:22 palestina libera |
1224 |
Protests, strike shut down Tunisian town over Libya's halt of border trade
4 |
palestina libera |
10.03.17, 12:59 palestina libera |
1523 |
Panama and the Criminalization of the Global Finance System
1 |
palestina libera |
26.04.16, 19:11 palestina libera |
1032 |
A World War has Begun: Break the Silence
3 |
palestina libera |
14.03.17, 14:02 palestina libera |
1641 |
From Brussels, I reject Israel’s solidarity
3 |
palestina libera |
26.04.16, 10:37 palestina libera |
1379 |
Presidential Elections 2016: The Revolt of the Masses
1, 2, 3
40 |
palestina libera |
16.03.17, 18:57 palestina libera |
10859 |
Just as innocent - comparing Beirut and Paris
1, 2
19 |
palestina libera |
31.12.16, 12:49 palestina libera |
6070 |
America's poorest white town: abandoned by coal, swallowed by drugs
1 |
palestina libera |
14.11.15, 14:02 palestina libera |
1100 |
'Welcome to Kashmir'
3 |
palestina libera |
10.03.17, 13:19 palestina libera |
1410 |
UN climate chief warns the world is 'playing with fire'
9 |
palestina libera |
16.03.17, 18:39 palestina libera |
2650 |
Farkhunda is Our Sister
1 |
palestina libera |
25.05.15, 16:48 palestina libera |
1165 |
Garland Shooting: Gladio - Texas-Style
2 |
palestina libera |
12.06.15, 23:10 palestina libera |
1380 |
31 percent of U.S. Republicans support Iran nuclear deal
9 |
palestina libera |
01.09.15, 10:30 palestina libera |
1808 |
Pharmaceuticals Kill More Teens Than Illegal Substances In The US
2 |
palestina libera |
18.05.15, 17:16 palestina libera |
1322 |
Yemen in Flammen
1, 2, 3, 4
39 |
palestina libera |
13.03.17, 11:43 palestina libera |
9087 |
Is Boko Haram a CIA Covert Op to Divide and Conquer Africa?
1 |
palestina libera |
11.03.15, 16:55 palestina libera |
1123 |
Verhaftung in spanien staat weil in Donbass gekamft haben
1 |
palestina libera |
27.02.15, 19:37 palestina libera |
1088 |
Keystone XL-Pipeline: Great Sioux Nation wird Kriegsbeil gegen Washington wegen Vertragsbruch ausgra
1, 2
16 |
palestina libera |
13.03.17, 11:32 palestina libera |
5831 |
Die große Toröffnung
1 |
klausser |
13.11.14, 12:19 klausser |
1185 |
Der Anglo-deutsch Staatstrojanern Finfisher und FinSpy wurde gehackten
1 |
palestina libera |
10.08.14, 11:07 palestina libera |
1707 |
Die Gewinner der Ukraine-Krise - Hunter Biden, Sohn des US-Vizepräsidenten Joseph Biden
1 |
bjk |
14.05.14, 16:27 bjk |
2437 |
Is Boko Haram An “Intelligence Asset”? Terror Attack in Nigeria Opens Door to Africom
5 |
palestina libera |
08.02.16, 23:46 palestina libera |
1985 |
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