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No new posts Nový chrám zasvěcený hrám
"Neuer tempel, den spielen geweiht" mit diesem spruch ist die neue SAZKA ARENA in prag entstanden :) heute 8:0 gegen Frankreich, ohne alle NHL stars..... mal sehen wie s weiter geht :D
SPILDA 13.04.04, 20:21
No new posts way of life ist einfach nur genial... CHECK IT OUT! :)
SPILDA 28.03.04, 20:18
No new posts Israel tötet Hamas-Gründer Jassin
[b]Nach Augenzeugenberichten feuerten Hubschrauber in Gaza-Stadt drei Raketen auf den 67-Jährigen. Die Hamas drohte Israel umgehend blutige Rache an. Es kam zu ersten blutigen Zusammenstößen[/b] Gaza - Mit einem gezielten Angriff hat die israelische Armee am Montagmorgen in Gaza-Stadt den Gründer der radikalislamischen Hamas-Bewegung, Scheich Ahmed Jassin, getötet. Dies bestätigte die israelische Armee. Als der gelähmte Hamas-Führer nach einem Moschee-Besuch aus einem Rollstuhl in ein Auto gehoben werden sollte, seien aus Kampfhubschraubern mehrere Raketen auf Jassin abgefeuert worden, berichteten Augenzeugen. Neben Jassin seien mindestens sieben weitere Menschen ums Leben gekommen, teilten die Krankenhäuser mit. Hamas droht mit Tötung „Hunderter“ Die Hamas rief drei Trauertage aus kündigte blutige Vergeltung an. „Der, der entschieden hat, Scheich Ahmed Jassin zu ermorden, hat damit beschlossen, hunderte Zionisten zu töten“, drohten die Essedin el Kassam-Brigaden, der bewaffnete Arm der Hamas, in einer Erklärung. Die Drohung richtete sich auch gegen die USA. „Die Zionisten haben das nicht ohne grünes Licht der terroristischen amerikanischen Regierung getan und die muss die Verantwortung für dieses Verbrechen übernehmen.“ Wütende Palästinenser-Proteste – erste blutige Zusammenstöße Der palästinensische Regierungschef Ahmed Kureia verurteilte den israelischen Angriff in einer ersten Stellungnahme scharf. Die militante Organisation Islamischer Dschihad bezeichneten die Tat als „schlimmstes Verbrechen“. Noch am Morgen gingen in Gaza-Stadt zehntausende aufgebrachte Palästinenser auf die Straßen. Es kam zu ersten blutigen Zusammenstößen. Soldaten hätten zwei palästinensische Steinewerfer erschossen, berichteten Augenzeugen und Notarzthelfer. Israel riegelt Palästinensergebiete ab Der israelische Regierungschef Ariel Scharon soll den tödlichen Angriff auf Jassin persönlich überwacht haben, berichtete der israelische Rundfunk. Die Entscheidung sei nach den palästinensischen Selbstmordanschlägen auf den Hafen Aschdod getroffen worden. Dort hatten zwei Palästinenser zehn Israelis mit sich in den Tod gerissen. Die israelische Armee riegelte unterdessen die Palästinensergebiete ab. Die Zugänge zum Westjordanland und zum Gazastreifen seien gesperrt worden, teilte das Militär mit. --------------------- endlich der richtige schritt... und das arschloch von arafat bezeichnet das gleich als ein verbrechen :haudrauf: :fuck: LOOOOOL, da hat er s der welt gleich wieder gezeigt :lachtot:
SPILDA 22.03.04, 13:12
No new posts this is AWESOME :oD
This is a true story about a recent wedding that took place at Clemson University. It was in the local newspaper and even Jay Leno mentioned it. It was a huge wedding with about 300 guests. After the wedding, at the reception, the groom got up on stage with a microphone to talk to the crowd. He said he wanted to thank everyone for coming, many from long distances, to support them at their wedding. He especially wanted to thank the bride's and his family and to thank his new father-in-law for providing such a lavish reception. As a token of his deep appreciation he said he wanted to give everyone a special gift just from him. So taped to the bottom of everyone's chair, including the wedding party, was a manila envelope. He said this was his gift to everyone, and asked them to open their envelope. Inside each manila envelope was an 8x10 glossy of his bride having sex with the best man. The groom had gotten suspicious of them weeks earlier and had hired a private detective to tail them. After just standing there, just watching the guests reactions for a couple of minutes, he turned to the best man and bride and told them to get lost using expletives Then he turned to the dumbfounded crowd and said, "I'm outta here." He had the marriage annulled first thing in the morning. While most people would have cancelled the wedding immediately after finding out about the affair, this guy goes through with the charade, as if nothing were wrong. His revenge... making the bride's parents pay over $32,000 for a 300 guest wedding and reception, and best of all, trashing the bride's and best man's reputations in front of 300 friends and family members. Elegant wedding reception for 300 family members and friends... $32,000. Wedding photographs commemorating the occasion... $3,000. Deluxe two week honeymoon accommodations in Maui... $8,500. The look on everyone's face when they see the 8x10 glossy of the bride humping the best man... Priceless !! There are some things money can't buy; for everything else there's MASTERCARD! :lachtot: :lachtot: :lachtot: :lachtot: :lachtot: :lachtot: :lachtot: :lachtot: :lachtot: :lachtot: :lachtot: :lachtot: :lachtot: :lachtot: :lachtot:
SPILDA 17.03.04, 20:21
No new posts bye bye for weekend
und postet schoen ;)
SPILDA 12.03.04, 12:50
No new posts ADMINrechte
also ich glaube das betrifft uns jetzt alle.... ich finde, man braeuchte fuer unser forum schon 2 admins.... ich werde jetzt nicht mehr darauf zurueckgehen, warum armin es aufgegeben hat, ABER ich glaube, dass unser forum schon zumindest 2 admins braucht... ich wuerde persoenlich schon bevorzugen, dass armin seinen job wieder aufnimmt.... denn er ist (nichts fuer ungut, michi) doch sehr oft online im vergleich zu michi. das heisst nicht, dass ich jetzt michi kritisieren wollte, auf keinen fall, nur dass es halt doch sinnvoll waere, wenn noch einer sich freiwillig melden wuerde, bzw. wir koennen ja abstimmen... es ist schon so, dass manche threads einfach gar nicht mehr gebraucht werden. und einer alleine kann das wohl kaum machen mit dem verschieben, sortieren usw. manche threads sollten wirklich umsortiert werden, da sie oft gar nichts mit der abteilung fuer den bestimmten thread zu tun haben. ich kann aber verstehen, dass michi kein bock hat drauf... ist schon zeitberaubend uns ein bisschen diszipliniert zu halten :)
SPILDA 16.02.04, 13:26
No new posts ich kuendige ;o(
also, leute, wie sich langsam rausstellt, zumindest bei mir, bringt das forum mehr stress als freude... deswegen, um eure ruhigen "sessions" hier nicht zu stoeren und um mich nicht mehr dauernd als "minderwertiger tscheche" unter lauter SUPERMEN zu fuehlen, verlass ich das forum und widme mich lieber intensiver meinem studium auf einer uni, die offensichtlich nicht so viel ansehen hat, denn sie kann es ja mit den supercoolen unis in deutschland nicht aufnehmen, denn was kann man schon von tschechien erwarten, oder? :confused: gut... bin sicher da seid ihr einsichtig. also noch zum letzten mal: :verweis: JAN :verweis:
SPILDA 01.12.03, 22:46
No new posts Arafat
[b][i]By Ion Mahai Pacepa[/i] The Israeli government has vowed to expel Yasser Arafat, calling him an "obstacle" to peace. But the 72-year-old Palestinian leader is much more than that; he is a career terrorist, trained, armed and bankrolled by the Soviet Union and its satellites for decades. Before I defected to America from Romania, leaving my post as chief of Romanian intelligence, I was responsible for giving Arafat about $200,000 in laundered cash every month throughout the 1970s. I also sent two cargo planes to Beirut a week, stuffed with uniforms and supplies. Other Soviet bloc states did much the same.Terrorism has been extremely profitable for Arafat. According to Forbes magazine, he is today the sixth wealthiest among the world's "kings, queens and despots", with more than $300 million stashed in Swiss bank accounts. "I invented the hijacking [of passenger planes]," Arafat bragged when I first met him at his PLO headquarters in Beirut in the early 1970s. He gestured toward the little red flags pinned on a wall map of the world that labeled Israel as "Palestine". "There they all are!" he told me, proudlz. The dubious honor of inventing hijacking actually goes to the KGB, which first hijacked a U.S. passenger plane in 1960 to communist Cuba. Arafat's innovation was the suicide bomber, a terror concept that would come to full flower on 9/11. In 1972, the Kremlin put Arafat and his terror networks high on all Soviet bloc intelligence services' priority list, including mine. Bucharest's role was to ingratiate him with the White House. We were the bloc experts at this. We'd already had great success in making Washington - as well as most of fashionable left-leaning American academics of the dzy - believe that Nicolae Ceausescu [the Romanian president at that time] was, like Josip Broz Tito, an "independent" Communist with a "moderate" streak. KGB chairman Yuri Andropov in February 1972 laughed to me about the Yankee gullibility for celebrities. We'd outgrown Stalinist cults of personality, but those crazy Americans were still naive enough to revere national leaders. We would make Arafat into just such a figurehead and gradually move the PLO closer to power and statehood. Right after that meeting, I was given the KGB's "personal file" on Arafat. He was an Egyptian bourgeois turned into a devoted Marxist by KGB foreign intelligence. The KGB had trained him at its Balashikha special-ops school east of Moscow and in the mid-1960s decided to groom him as the future PLO leader. First, the KGB destroyed the official records of Arafat's birth in Cairo, replacing them with fictitious documents saying that he had been born in Jerusalem and was therefore a Palestinian by birth. The KGB's disinformation department then went to work on Arafat's four-page tract called "Falastinuna" (Our Palestine), turning it into a 48-page monthly magazine for the Palestinian terrorist organization al-Fatah. Arafat had headed al-Fatah since 1957. The KGB distributed it throughout the Arab world and in West Germany, which in those days played host to many Palestinian students. Next, the KGB gave Arafat an ideology and an image, just as it did for loyal Communists in our international front organizations. High-minded idealism held no mass-appeal in the Arab world, so the KGB remolded Arafat as a rabid anti-Zionist. They also selected a "personal hero" for him - the Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, the man who visited Auschwity in the late 1930s and reproached the Germans for not having killed even more Jews. In 1985 Arafat paid homage to the mufti, saying he was "proud no end" to be walking in his footsteps. Arafat was an important undercover operative for the KGB. Right after the 1967 Six Day Arab-Israeli war, Moscow got him appointed to chairman of the PLO. Egyptian ruler Gamal Abdel Nasser, a Soviet puppet, proposed the appointment. In 1969 the KGB asked Arafat to declare war on American "imperial-Zionism" during the first summit of the Black Terrorist International, a neo-Fascist pro-Palestine organization financed by the KGB and Libya's Moammar Gadhafi. It appealed to him so much, Arafat later claimed to have invented the imperial-Zionist battle cry. But in fact, "imperial-Zionism" was a Moscow invention, a modern adaptation of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," and long a favorite tool of Russian intelligence to foment ethnic hatred. The KGB always regarded anti-Semitism plus anti-imperialism as a rich source of anti-Americanism. The KGB file on Arafat also said that in the Arab world only people who were truly good at deception could achieve high status. We Romanians were directed to help Arafat improve "his extraordinary talent for deceiving". The KGB chief of foreign intelligence, General Aleksandr Sakharovsky, ordered us to provide cover for Arafat's terror operations, while at the same time buiding his international image. "Arafat is a brilliant stage manager," his letter concluded, "and we should put him to good use". In March 1978 I secretly brought Arafat to Bucharest for final instructions on how to behave in Washington. "You simply have to keep on pretending that you'll break with terrorism and that you'll recognize Israel - over, and over, and over," Ceaucescu told him for the umpteenth time. Ceaucescu was euphoric over the prospect that both Arafat and he might be able to snag the Nobel Peace Prize with their fake displays of the olive branch. In April 1978 I accompanien Ceaucescu to Washington, where he charmed President Jimmy Carter: Arafat, he urged, would transform his brutal PLO into a law-abiding government-in-exile if only the U.S. would establish official relations. Three months later, I was granted political asylum by the U.S. Ceaucescu failed to get his Nobel Peace Prize. But in 1994 Arafat got his - all because he continued to play the role we had given him to perfection. He had transformed his terrorist PLO into a government-in-exile (the Palestinian Authority), always pretending to call a halt to Palestinian terrorism while letting it continue anabated. Two years after signing the Oslo Accords, the number of Israelis killed by Palestinian terrorists had risen by 73%. On Oct. 23, 1998, U.s. President Bill Clinton concluded his public remarks to Arafat by thanking him for "decades and decades and decades of tireless representation of the longing of the Palestinian people to be free, self-sufficient, and at home". The current administration sees through Arafat's charade but will not publicly support his expulsion. Meanwhile, the aging terrorist has consolidated his control over the Palestinian Authority and marshaled his young followers for more suicide attacks. [i]Mr. Pacepa was the highest ranking intelligence officer ever to have defected from the former Soviet bloc. The author of "Red Horizons" (Regnery, 1987), he is finishing a book on the origins of current anti-Americanism.[/i][/b] :verweis: JAN :verweis:
SPILDA 14.11.03, 09:25
No new posts EHC
hey, voll cool. heute hat tschechien alle spiele von karajala-cup hinter sich gebracht. es ist folgendermassen ausgefallen: erstes spiel tschechien-schweden (nicht gesehen): 3:2 (auf shootouts!) zweites spiel (gestern, gesehen): tschechien-finnland: 1:5 :mad: das war voll scheisse, unsere spieler haben wie totale luschen gespielt.... *schaem* drittes spiel (heute, gesehen): tschechien-russland: 3:2 (auch shootouts) insgesamt also tschechien 2., die ersten waren natuerlich die finnen, russland 3. ich freu mich schon heftig auf WM :D :verweis: JAN :verweis:
SPILDA 09.11.03, 21:13
No new posts so weit sollte das nicht kommen, hab ich das gefuehl...
The Stellas are named after 81-year-old Stella Liebeck who spilled coffee on herself and successfully sued McDonalds.That case inspired the Stella Awards for the most frivolous successful lawsuits in the United States. Unfortunately the most recent lawsuit implicating McDonalds, the teens who allege that eating at McDonalds has made them fat, was filed after the 2002 award voting was closed. This suit will top the 2003 list without question. The following are this year's winners: 5th Place (tie): Kathleen Robertson of Austin, Texas, was awarded $780,000 by a jury of her peers after breaking her ankle tripping over a toddler who was running inside a furniture store. The owners of the store were understandably surprised at the verdict, considering the misbehaving little toddler was Ms. Robertson's son.5th Place (tie): A 19-year-old Carl Truman of Los Angeles won $74,000 and medical expenses when his neighbor ran over his hand with a Honda Accord. Mr. Truman apparently didn't notice there was someone at the wheel of the car when he was trying to steal his neighbor's hubcaps. 5th Place (tie): Terrence Dickson of Bristol, Pennsylvania, was leaving a house he had just finished robbing by way of the garage. He was not able to get the garage door to go up since the automatic door opener was malfunctioning. He couldn't reenter the house because the door connecting the house and garage locked when he pulled it shut. The family was on vacation, and Mr. Dickson found himself locked in the garage for eight days. He subsisted on a case of Pepsi he found, and a large bag of dry dog food. He sued the homeowner's insurance claiming the situation caused him undue mental anguish. The jury agreed to the tune of $500,000. 4th Place: Jerry Williams of Little Rock, Arkansas, was awarded $14,500 and medical expenses after being bitten on the buttocks by his next door neighbor's beagle. The beagle was on a chain in its owner's fenced yard. The award was less than sought because the jury felt the dog might have been just a little provoked at the time by Mr. Williams who was shooting it repeatedly with a pellet gun. 3rd Place: A Philadelphia restaurant was ordered to pay Amber Carson of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, $113,500 after she slipped on a soft drink and broke her coccyx (tailbone). The beverage was on the floor because Ms Carson had thrown it at her boyfriend 30 seconds earlier during an argument. 2nd Place: Kara Walton of Claymont, Delaware, successfully sued the owner of a night club in a neighboring city when she fell from the bathroom window to the floor and knocked out her two front teeth. This occurred while Ms. Walton was trying to sneak through the window in the ladies room to avoid paying the $3.50 cover charge. She was awarded $12,000 and dental expenses. 1st Place: This year's run away winner was Mr. Merv Grazinski of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Mr. Grazinski purchased a brand new 32-foot Winnebago motor home. On his first trip home, (from an OU football game), having driven onto the freeway, he set the cruise control at 70 mph and calmly left the drivers seat to go into the back and make himself a cup of coffee. Not surprisingly, the R.V. left the freeway, crashed and overturned... Mr. Grazinski sued Winnebago for not advising him in the owner's manual that he couldn't actually do this. The jury awarded him $1,750,000 plus a new motor home. The company actually changed their manuals on the basis of this suit, just in case there were any other complete morons buying their recreation vehicles.
SPILDA 06.11.03, 12:36
No new posts inwiefern "schrott"?!
vielleicht nur was zum "schrottposten": armin, wieso postest du dann in manchen threads 3 hintereinander gehende posts.... ich antworte auf alle threads, aber zumindest mit einem post und nicht mit 3 auf einmal... :nanana: ausserdem, noch ne sache.... das ganze heisst also, dass das ganze forum nur dadurch uebersichtlich wird, wenn nix gepostet wird oder was?! cooles forum.... haetten wir gleich bei den massenmails bleiben koennen einmal oder zweimal im monat... :knifekill: :verweis: JAN :verweis:
SPILDA 02.11.03, 22:17
No new posts ahnung, warum das forum so am arsch ist die ganze zeit?
also eigentlich ist meine frage schon ganz im Betreff gestellt.... :verweis: JAN :verweis:
SPILDA 22.10.03, 20:27
No new posts CR-Oesterreich
haha, hab s leider nicht gesehen! aber so ne schande fuer uns! 3:2 nur. was haben unsere spieler schon wieder gesoffen? :D :verweis: JAN :verweis:
SPILDA 11.10.03, 20:02
No new posts Vorlesungen.... sinnvoll oder nicht so ganz?
also, gant einfache frage, die glaube ich ziemlich diskutabel ist.... ob vorlesungen auf unis ueberhaupt sinnvoll sind oder nicht. wir haben gestern mit windi ein bisschen darueber diskutiert, mal sehen, was ihr dazu zu sagen habt.... :D :verweis: JAN :verweis:
SPILDA 09.10.03, 14:13
No new posts yoyoyo. ein neues thema: musik, jaaaaa... wer was, wo, wann
also, ich glaube es ist klar, welche musik, wo am liebsten, zu welchem zeitpunkt? kai: wie wirst du denn reagieren? :D ich nehme mir die freiheit, euch alle zuerst reagieren zu lassen zuerst :cool: :verweis: JAN :verweis:
SPILDA 01.10.03, 12:23
No new posts BIER und wieder BIER
hey, leute, wenn ich mir das richtig ansehe, sollte bei "blablabla" auch zumindest eine kleine post-flaeche fuer die bierliebenden mitglieder sein. YOOOHOOOO!!! also, nicht verstecken :angst: sondern zugeben, wie ihr s mit dem bier seht :huepf: bei mir ist wohl klar.... STAROPRAMEN hat halt was, und nicht nur das. vielleicht hat ja auch mancher was zum EG-bier zu sagen, was noch nicht gesagt wurde.... (kann man das ueberhaupt)? bzw. was ist ueberhaupt bier? :) also: 1) welches bier schmeckt, 2) welches schmeckt weniger, 3) welches gar nicht? 4) welches wird nur bier genannt? bei mir wohl klar: 1) STAROPRAMEN/GAMBRINUS 2) Budweiser 3) Stella 4) Heineken ueberrascht? :verweis: JAN :verweis:
SPILDA 29.09.03, 09:12
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